Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hungarian and Greek social-democrats (“G”PG) jointly honor the renegade Janos Kadar

On the 4th of July 2010, the Hungarian Krushchevites, jointly with the social-democratic “C”PG (a delegation headed by the Politburo member G. Marinos) commemorated the 21st anniversary from the death of the renegade Janos Kadar in the central cemetery of Budapest.
It is the second time that the Greek and Hungarian Krushchevites honor the anti-stalinist, anti-communist Janos Kadar the first being on the 5th of July 1997 in which the renegade H. Florakis participated (“Rizospastis”, 6/7/1997, p.9).
“Rizospastis” stated then “with this event, the Labor Party doesn’t pay homage only to Janos Kadar but, also, to the struggle for the construction of socialism in Hungary that freed the country from historical backwardness, established new social gains and rights for the working people…” (“Rizospastis”, 6/7/1997, p.9) while Marinos among other reformist nonsense, he said in this occasion: “together with you, we want to honor comrade Janos Kadar, prominent leader of the Hungarian and the International Communist movement, who contributed to the construction of socialism in your country and opposed the 1956 counter-revolution organized by the bourgeoisie and the imperialism with the view to overthrow socialism and turn history’s clock back” (“Rizospastis”, 6/7/2010, p. 24).
Hungary’s Khrushchev, the anti-stalinist traitor Janos Kadar neither did fight nor contribute “to the construction of socialism. He was not a leader “of the Hungarian and the International Communist movement”, let alone, “prominent” as the social-democratic leaders of “C”PG claim. On the contrary: he was a prominent leader of the international counter-revolutionary Khruschevian social-democracy and appointed lackey of the anti-stalinist clique of Khruschev-Brezhnev-Mikoyan et al., who faithfully followed the counter-revolutionary path of capitalist restoration: he was the one who decided and introduced the capitalist economic reforms after 1956, and supervised the restoration of capitalism in Hungary, eliminating thus not only socialism but “all the social gains and rights of the Hungarian working people”
The counter-revolutionary Janos Kadar had been expelled from the Hungarian party and imprisoned because of his nationalist and social-democratic views. He was released, after the crude and violent intervention of the soviet Khruschevites to the internal affairs of Hungarian party, and promoted to the Central Committee, like the other counter-revolutionary, Imre Nagy. The latter, after being appointed twice prime minister (4th of July 1953 and 23rd of October 1956) was sacrificed by the Khruschev-Brezhnev-Mikoyan when he announced on 23/10/1956 Hungary’s withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact.
During the Khruschevian intervention in the Hungarian Party, Kadar “was one of the most ardent critics of Rakosi” (I. Fetscher, 1968) as even western anti-communists admit.
In his “Memoirs, Matyas Rakosy mentions that the interference of the soviet revisionists in the internal affairs of the communist parties begun as early as the day of Stalin’s funeral (letter of Erwin Roznyai to Kurt Gossweiler)
In the years 1953-1956 and earlier, there was a fierce class struggle between the revolutionary Stalinist forces headed by the great Hungarian revolutionary Matyas Rakosi and the counter-revolutionary Khruschevian forces, a struggle that, as the Khrushchevian social democrats admit ended “temporarily” with their defeat (“The struggle for social revival that begun in Hungary during 1953-1956 suffered defeat. The Rakosy-Geroe group that prevailed in the leadership, led the Party and the whole country to a deep crisis”, “Rizospastis” 12/3/1989, p. 47). It was not the revolutionary leadership of Matyas Rakosy that led the Party and the country to a crisis but the crude intervention of the soviet Khrushchevians and the counter-revolutionary social-democratic group of Nagy-Kadar.
It was this crude and unjustified intervention whose final outcome was the violent replacement of the revolutionary Rakosy leadership and the triumph of the Khruschevian revisionist counter-revolution in Hungary (in a gangster fashion, Rakosy was kidnapped and taken out of the country, exiled in an unknown location in Soviet Union where he was finally murdered in 1971)
The counter-revolution in Hungary was inspired, organized and guided most and foremost by the soviet revisionists of the Khrushchev-Brezhnev-Mikoyan treacherous clique. It begun with the open interference in the internal affairs of the Hungarian Party and the violent overthrow of the People’s Power and it was established with the final advance to the Party’s leadership of the Nagy-Kadar group. Later, the forces of the Hungarian fascist and feudal-bourgeois reaction supported in every way by imperialism, joined this counter-revolutionary course that the Hungarian working class and people paid with rivers of blood.
It is exactly this counter-revolutionary role of the soviet Khrushchevites that the lackey of the local bourgeoisie, the Khrushchevite G. Marinos, conceals distorting totally the historical truth. He confines the whole question of the counter-revolution in Hungary only to the bourgeoisie and the imperialism. We will come back to this question in more detail in the future. Nevertheless, we need to point out as clearly as we can that all the violent counter-revolutions in Eastern Europe after 1953, including the case of Hungary, were exclusively the work of the soviet revisionist traitors and their willful servants in these countries.
Finally, the fanatical anti-stalinist, anti-communist socialdemocrat Janos Kadar expresses his deep class hatred against the revolutionary leadership of Matyas Rakosy in the verbatim record of the temporary CC Plenum (2-5 December 1956). Moreover, from the same text, his own counter-revolutionary role is revealed. Here, the renegade Kadar continuously refers to the “Rakosy-Geroe” clique, to its “sectarian and dogmatic policy that did not allow the development of democratic principles in party and social life and violated the socialist law”, to “crimes” etc: “this leading clique was unable to admit and correct the grave errors and crimes. It did not change stance after the historic 20the Congress of CPSU and did not take into account its decisions and directives”. Janos Kadar could not follow another path than the counter-revolutionary one: the path of the total elimination of socialism and complete restoration of capitalism in Hungary. This restored capitalism collapsed in the same year he left this world to meet his bosses Khrushchev-Brezhnev-Mikoyan.

See also

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