Important and rapid developments took place in the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM). PCRM – a continuation of the brezhnievite Communist Party of Moldova (part of CPSU) – had achieved an important victory in 2001 elections having openly adopted social-democratic views and, of course, the country’s accession to the EU*. At that time, the local social-democratic leadership of “K”KE was writing hymns in “Rizospastis”: (“The developments in Moldova, a ray of light”, “R”, 14/4/2002, p.3, “A ray of hope for the people of Moldavia. Ten years after the great overthrow, a ray of light was seen two months ago when the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova came first in the parliamentary elections” “R” 22/4/2001, p.19).
Aleka Papariga – who, in the past, a few months before the official collapse of the USSR, had presented Gorbachev with a statuette of Hercules “for the Herculean effort he makes” – congratulated the PCRM secretary V. Voronin with the words: “You helped the kindle of hope in this tragic decade” (“R” 18/4/2001, p. 3). As a matter of fact, the “K”KE leaders went as far as to present the PCRM’s revisionist program – a program that denies the revolutionary struggle and adopts the revisionist theory of two stages – as revolutionary! In PCRM’s program is mentioned that in the first stage “the communists (i.e. the brezhnievite revisionists) in collaboration with the progressive forces will succeed in eliminating the negative consequences of the reforms” without the establishment of proletarian dictatorship and without armed struggle! Actually they admit that “the operation of the private sector will be permitted mainly in the sphere of production and distribution of consumer’s goods and services” (!) (“R” 22/3/2001).

At the same time, as the INFO TAG news agency announced, cadres of PCRM left from the party and they established a new one under the name “Communist Party of Leninist Type”. As the executive secretary Igor Kucher stated, 429 delegates from 20 cities and provinces of Moldova took part in the founding congress. Kucher accused PCRM of betraying the principles of Leninism and weakening the national sovereignty of Moldova with its internal and foreign policies.
In any case, PCRM is a party, for which “K”KE expressed its “unreserved solidarity” (“R”,13/4/2001, p. 4) and claimed that it is an example that “the international communist movement is alive and that is developing…”!, that has taken openly its course, the course chosen by its leaders in the 20th Congress of CPSU, the course of social-democracy and assimilation to the capitalist system.
* Voronin maintains exceptionally good relations with the U.S. Moldova participates in the occupation forces of Iraq with 42 soldiers.
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