Issue 197 (1-15/1/2005) - 253-54 (1-31/7/2007)
Issue 253-254
The reactionary Karamanlis government in the whirlpool of the government bonds scandal, police violence and torture
PAME: in the service of the capital, the divisive and strikebreaking role of its reformist leaders
Monument for the men and women fighters of the Democratic Army of Greece, heroes and heroines of the revolutionary Stalinist-Zachariadist KKE (1918-1955)
Norwegian communists made serious steps towards their reorganization and unity
Issue 252
A trip of destabilization and war – The visit of the American imperialism’ leader, Bush
“K”NE members: From the ranks of the social-democratic “K”NE to dangerous embraces with the nazi-fascists Psomiadis-Karatzaferis
Nikandros Kepesis: Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism (continued from issue 250)
The collaboration of “K”KE and “Communist” Party of Iraq as part of American imperialism’s plans
All together against G-8, for international solidarity
Issue 251 (1-15 June 2007)
“Operation” to cover up the government bonds scandal - Let the “blue” stock brokers and the “blue” Mafiosi, who stole the money, pay and not the working people through taxes
The general strike of the 15th of May and the strike breaking attitude of the PAME reformist leaders at the service of the “blue” stock brokers.
Student elections 2007: The reorganization of the students’ movement is essential.
The ultra-reactionary, anti-communist and fascist B. Yeltsin and the “K”KE Kruschevian leaders
CP Spain (marxist-leninist): Fascist nostalgia in action.
Issue 250
Nikandros Kepesis: Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism
Statement-denunciation: The fascist thuggery of the “K”KE (’56) leaders
“Lift” of EU supervision and even harsher, anti-popular measures for the next four years
Berthold Brecht, the Stalin Prize and the Goebbelist arch-liars of “Rizospastis”
Long live Worker’s 1st of May. All the stolen money to be return to the worker’s insurance funds
Statement of the Communist Workers’ Party of France (PCOF) on the final result of Presidential elections: All together against neoliberalism and the police state!
Issue 249
The great and unprecedented scandal about government bonds, rightly, remains at the centre of political current affairs
Let the “blue” stock brokers and the “blue” Mafiosi, who stole the money, pay and not the working people through taxes
Let the working people claim the return of ALL the sums stolen from their Pension Funds
15th May. All in the GSEE strike
62 years from the Great People’s Anti-Fascist Victory under the guidance of I.V. Stalin
1st May 2007. The reformist leaders of “K”KE-PAME: capital’s lackeys and provocative advocates-spokespersons of the “blue” thieves of the workers’ Pension Funds
The recent crisis in the social-democratic “K”NE: crisis emanated from the total bankruptcy of the treacherous, counter-revolutionary line of the “K”KE leadership in relation to the university teachers and students movement. The great students’ struggle led to the ousting of the “K”NE secretary
Karl Marx: 5/5/1818 – 14/3/1883
Estonia: Pulling down the Antifascist Monument in the capital Talin is a provocation to all the people that fought nazi-fascism
Statement of the Labour Party of Iran (Tufan) on the American plans for the Middle East
Statement of the Communist Workers’ Party of France (PCOF) on the second round of Presidential elections
Issue 248:
Nikos Zachariadis: 104 years from his birth
Unity of the communists is essential!
Statement of the Worker's CP of France for the 1st round of the penitential elections
Worker's CP of France: We expand our campaign for the immediate and complete legalization of all immigrants
Statement of the CP of the Workers of Tunisia: Attacks against Hamma Hammami and Radhia Nasraoui
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Issue 247:
Nikos Belogiannis: 55 years from his execution-murder
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Issue 246:
Statement of the CP of Benin: President Boni Yayi must resign
Against the war in Iraq
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Issue 245:
Nicolas Guillen: A song for Stalin
Statement of the Party of Labor Iran (Toufan) about the sanctions of the resolution 1737
Iraqi Resistance: Endless attacks against the conquerors and their marionettes
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Issue 244:
Stalin peace price
Sourlas -Admiral Antoniadis - Hristodoulos
The Chinese presence in Africa
China & oil in Africa
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Issue 243:
Strengthening of fascist terrorism
The fighting struggle of student-academics "breaks" the collaboration of government-PASOK for amendment of Article 16 of the Constitution
August Bebel and the sorry state of the social-democrat A. Papariga
V.I. Lenin (22.4.1870-21.1.1924)
A. Brezimenski: Lenin's death ("Rizospastis", 21/1/1934)
ICMLPO: Resolution on the Situation in the Middle East
Issue 242:
The fight of Academics-students against the reactionary reform of Karamanlis' government's escalates and strengthens
Right answer: the repeated long-term Strikes and the Mass Long-term Occupations
The cooperation of New Democracy-LAOS in the local elections
Nikos Temponeras - 16 years from his brutal assassination
Long Live the Democratic Army (on the occasion of its 60th Anniversary)
XII Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO)
Statement of the ICMLPO to APPO
Issue 241:
ARTICLE 16 - ACADEMIC ASYLUM in immediate danger
The reactionary Karamanlis' government intensifies its attack on EDUCATION
ND-PASOK-"C"PG tremble the mass long-term OCCUPATIONS
D. Glinos - Statement of the PB of the CC of KKE for his death (27/12/1943)
Berthold Brecht - 50 years from the death of the ingenious dramatist and great revolutionary communist poet
The revolutionary ideological direction of B. Brecht and the two urban-revisionist fables
The Stalin prize and the LIES of the anticommunist bunch of the Khrushchevian revisionists
Reconstruction of the CP of Spain (marxist-leninist): Party in the service of the Spanish and the international proletariat
Official notice of the EC of the CP of Spain (marxist-leninist) (November 06)
Issue 240:
The facist delirium of the ridiculous Minister of Public Order
J.V. Stalin: 127 years from his birthday
G. Kotzioulas' poem: Josef is coming
Leonidas Raftis: A revolutionary communist hero of our people (60 years from his execution-murder)
Extracts from his fighting, brilliant, splendid plea in army's court
Cooperation between OTE-Vimpel
Official report of the CC of the CP of Mexico (M-L): About the events in Ooxaca
Issue 239:
Hands off the University asylum
Against the privatization of education and the reactionary amendment of the Constitution
Only the militant UNITY of academics-teachers and mass OCCUPATIONS students-pupils can stop government's reactionary reforms
Against the instrumentalization of education (Declaration of the XX. International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist Youth Camp)
Giogros Kotzioulas the brave poet of the poor, the Revolution and the National Resistance (50 years from his death)
Issue 238:
Down with the fascist violence of the reactionary Karamanlis' government - Vicious and murderous attack on a young student in Thessaloniki - Regression to fascists times of 50's and 60's
55 years from the foundation United Democratic Left (EDA)
(more contents coming soon)
Issue 237:
The "Waterloo" of the reactionary "C"PG-New Democracy cooperation in Karditsa
Comrade Nikos Zachariadis: "Brave Party Leader" ("Rizospastis", 18/5/1945)
"Rizospastis"-"Avgi"-Benediction for the beginning of new Session of Greek Parliament: The deputies of ND-PASOK-"G"PG wise and compliable "children" of Hristodulos
Long Live Great October
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 6 and last)
Fascist and would-be murderer Ant. Andritsopulos ("Periandros") sentenced 21 years of imprisonment
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Issue 236:
Teacher's strike ended - The movement continues
Municipal-prefectoral elections: A brief glance in the type of the two big bourgeois parties, the monarch-fascist party of New Democracy and PASOK, in that of the two social-democratic parties, "C"PG-Synaspismos, but also in to the minor Left Organizations shows that all marked "successes" and "increased" their electoral percentage
What did the parties of the Opposition state concerning the murder of the trade-unionist M. Gurniezakis from the DAKE fascists and what are their gravest political responsibilities
Oil and rivalry in the Arctic
Issue 235:
Extreme and very hazardous development: Government plans to prohibit the demonstrations and the operation of worker's organizations in "Public Services"
Avgustos Bagionas (1931-2005): A farewell to a revolutionary Marxist philosopher
The great teacher's strike continues for the 5th week
Leaders of PAME: From the opposition of the 5-days strikes to the repeating separate demonstrations for the government’s benefit
The "brave kids" of the Khrushchev-Breznief-Gorbatchev faction climb the Grammos Mountain in the quest of votes
Testimonies of Ah. Papaioannou and V. Karagiannis for the two great defeats of H. Florakis in the DA
-Testimony of Ahilleas Papaioannou, brigadier of the DA
-Testimony of Vasilis Karagiannis, major of the DA
Issue 234:
International Exhibition in Thessaloniki: PM' speech
Great teacher's strike - Only the UNITED MASSIVE struggle can lead to the victory
Nationalist delirium - Nationalist Greek "wolfs" attack with unprecedented ferocity to young Karahasan
Declaration of the XX International Antifascist and Anti-imperialist Youth Camp
Franscisco Caraballo: Opinions on the Political Accord between the PCT and the PTD
Comrade Seref Aydin died
Letter from our movement to the Revolutionary CP of Turkey (TDKP)
Issue 233:
The cooperation of the "anti-Khrushchevian" left organizations
The cooperation "C"PG-New Democracy in the local elections
Vagelis Kelepouris died in Tashkent this year
Issue 232:
The Israeli war crimes against the Lebanese people
The myth of the invincible Israeli army collapsed
The Khrushchevian persecutors of the DA's soldiers and murderers of Nikos Zachariadis, instead of "honoring" hypocritically the DA, it's better to denounce the fascist tenths of thousands persecutions of the guerillas in the revisionist countries
Nikandros Kepesis: The assassination of Nikos Zachariadis
Additional Comments-Facts from "Anasintaxi": The three versions of Nikos Zachariadis' death (1. Murder and the two mutually exclusive versions of the Khrushchevian revisionists: 2. "Heart Attack"-3. "Suicide")
1st Conference of CEOC Spain Revolutionary step of unity on the road of marxism-leninsm-stalinism
Letter from our Movement to CEOC Spain
Issue 231:
The Middle East ablaze with the promotion of the US imperialists - Mass murder of innocents
The Khrushchevian myth of "cult of personality" of Stalin-Zachariadis
Eric Hobsbawn about the attitude of the communists against their parties and Stalin in the period of the 3rd International
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 5)
(More contents coming soon)
Issue 230:
The twin scandals: Kidnapping of Pakistanis - Tapped phones
The government's dangerous turn to the US and the cancellation of the order of the 10 additional F-16.
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 4)
(More contents coming soon)
Issue 229:
The glorious students’ revolt - The leaders of "C"PG allied with government against the OCCUPATIONS- Paris shows the road
Down with the atrocious attack from Police against students
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 3)
(More contents coming soon)
Issue: 228:
60 years from the foundation of the Democratic Army under the guidance of Nikos Zachariadis
To Nikos Zachariadis (poem by A.P., August 1998)
The socialdemocrat Mailis (member of the CC of CPG) throws tones of antizachariadic venom
"6th Plenum" (March '56): A Khrushchevian illicit meeting that marked the dissolution of the revolutionary CPG (1918-55) and the foundation of today's bourgois-revisionist "C"PG ('56)
Issue 227:
The black hawk of USA in Athens for Iran - The banning of the protests to the American Embassy and the theatrical play between the leaders of "C"PG ('56) and the government in the Athens Concert Hall
Atrocious attack from Police against protestors
The conversation in the Parliament reveals the idyllic relation Karamanlis-Papariga
May 9th, 1945 - Day of a great antifascist victory of the people with leader Josef Vissarionovich Stalin
Long Live May First: Day of solidarity of the international proletariat - Hands off Iran
Pakistan: Unity of parties in antifascist anti-imperialist direction
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 2)
Senegal: In the darkness of the multinational companies
Issue 226:
Disgraceful agreement of GSEE and Industrialists
The anticommunist memorandum of the EPP - golden chance for the "C"PG ('56) to embellish the ultra-reactionary EPP and the monarchist-fascist party of "New Democracy"
Student elections - Struggle for the reorganisation of the student movement is necessary
Nikos Zachariadis: 103 years from his death
Iraq: The Iraqi Resistance becomes stronger
USA-Russia: Continuous intensification of their relation
Worker's CP of France (PCOF): CPE is dead - United, we won
Issue: 225:
FRANCE: The VICTORY of youth-workers - a VICTORY with great meaning for the working class in the whole EU
The March strike, the police attack and Rizospastis' attitude
Nikos Belogiannis: 54 years for his execution-murder
Kostas Varnalis: To Belogiannides
50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part 1)
Dominican Republic: For a revolutionary unity (common declaration of PCT and PTD ML)
Issue 224:
Iraq - 3 years under the fascist occupation of the US-British armies
Lenin: In Memory of the Commune (published in the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the Commune)
Worker's CP of France (PCOF): To achieve the withdrawal of the CPE
Issue 223:
Cabinet Shuffle in reactionary direction
Fascist recruitment of the harbor workers - "Rizospastis" hushes and hides completely the attack of police against the workersVasilis M. Yotopoulos
J. Stalin: 53 years from his death
Secrets documents reveal Stalin was poisoned
Worker's CP of France (PCOF): All united for the withdrawal of the CPE, against new-liberalism
Issue 222:
Sleepy government of “live transatlantic bugs”
Atrocious attack from police against workers in Fertilizers and Banks after government's command
Captain Sofianos - 30 yeas since his death
Efthimios Malezas: Sofianos
50 years from the XX Congress of the CPSU (part 2 and last)
Romania: Agreement for establishing US bases
Issue 221:
The countries - members of the imperialist EU are the backyard of the USA
The socialdemocratic leaders of the "C"PG embellish the ultra-reactionary EPP and the monarch-fascist part of "New Democracy"
50 years from the XX Congress of the CPSU (part 1)
Offer in memory of Eleni Muratidi and Galatia Salimka-Gkavela
Communique of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations against the criminalization of communism
Issue 220:
Gangster kidnappings of Pakistan workers from British secret agents in cooperation with the Hellenic National Intelligence Service
V.I. Lenin: 82 years from his death
Stalin's speech to his voters on 9 February 1946 (part 4 and last)
Iraq: 34.183 attacks (93 per day) made the Resistance against US and their puppets during 2005
(More contents coming soon)
Issue 219:
Two years of reactionary Karamanlis' government
50 years from the historic 5th (26-28.12.1955) and last plenum of the revolutionary CP of Greece 1918-55
Stalin's speech to his voters on 9 February 1946 (part 3)
(More contents coming soon)
Issue 218:
Josef V. Stalin - His revolutionary work lights the road of the workers of all the world
H. Florakis: From guerilla "captain Yotis" to the capitalist "paradise" and in the embrace of the reactionary bourgeois class
Issue 217:
The leaders of the "C"P of Greece defend and support the traitors of the Iraqi "C" P
Leaders of "C"P of Greece: Despicable lies to cover the I"C"P and justify their position
Iraqi "C" P Speech to Perissos in 2004: Admission of betrayal of the Iraqi people
Stalin's speech to his voters on 9 February 1946 (part 2)
Issue 216:
Long live the Polytechnic popular uprising
Iraq: The US imperialists burned civilians with chemical weapons
Documents and resolutions of ICMLPO
- Message to the Iraqi Patriotic Coalition and to the Iraqi Resistance
- On the situation in Tunisia
- On the situation of the living conditions of the Iranian working class
Stalin's speech to his voters on 9 February 1946 (part 1)
Issue 215:
Political resolution of the XI Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations
US forces in Bulgaria-Romania
Russia-China from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to the joint military exercises
Nikos Zachariadis: Positions on the history of the CP of Greece (part 5 and last)
Issue 214:
Nikos Zachariadis: Our position to the war
Christos Sartzetakis' monarchism-fascism gibber
50 years since the massive revolt of the Greek communists in Tashkent against the Khruchevian revisionism
Russia-China from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to the joint military exercises
Issue 213:
The leaders of the "C"P of Greece and their "Quislings" comrades of the Iraq "Communist" Party
Kostas Dimos (1927-2005)
Nikos Zachariadis: Positions on the history of the CP of Greece (part 4)
Issue 212:
50 years for the "Tashkent events" - September '55: the interference of Khrushchevians to CP of Greece and the revolt of the Greek communists against the Khrushchevian revisionism
"The Party they honor"
Savvas Palles' Letter, volunteer to the Spanish Civil War
Issue 211:
Stop the "festival of hatred" - Nazis out of our country
Nikos Zachariadis: Theses on the history of the CP of Greece (part 3)
Issue 210:
NIKOS ZACHARIADIS - 32 years from his death
The funerals of Cunhal - Florakis and the nationalism of the leaders of the "C"P of Greece
The last volunteers of the Greek Democratic Army
Issue 209:
The imperialist EU in deep crisis
Offer in memory of Lefteris Lazaridis - "captain Lazarias"
Issue 208:
Offer in memory of Galatia Gavela
Nikos Zachariadis: Theses on the history of the CP of Greece (part 2)
Issue 207:
Lefteris Lazaridis - "captain Lazarias" (1917-2005)
Nikos Zachariadis: Theses on the history of the CP of Greece (part 1)
Issue 206:
Visit of K. Karamanlis to the USA
Harilaos Florakis died
Three months since Eleni Issak Mouratidi passed away
Free comrade Francisco Caraballo
Issue 205:
60 years from the great Antifascist VICTORY of the people
Long Live Red May First
Communique of the Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador
Issue 204:
Further cooperation of European-Russian imperialists
Nikos Zachariadis: 102 years from his birth (April 27th, 1903)
Summit of EU Ministers of Education in Bergen
The big lies of the revisionists about the legalization of their party in 1974
Tilemahos Ioannidis (1931-2004)
The distribution of world's wealth
Russia: Fast Increase of deaths from non-natural causes
3 million fugitives every year in the world
Issue 203:
One year of reactionary Karamanlis' government
Student elections: The reconstruction of the student movement is necessary
X Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations - On the situation in Venezuela
Issue 202:
C. Stefanopoulos: President of the "imprisoned Greeks"
C. Eleni Muratidi passed away
Nikos Belogiannis - 53 years from his execution
Moldova: Party of "Communists" of the Republic of Moldova - Split and reform to an openly socialdemocratic party
Issue 201:
J.V. Stalin: 52 years from his death-assassination
The student elections in April 13th
Offer in memory of Hristos Bakos
Vasiliki Athanasiadou-Vlahokosta (1929-2005)
Issue 200:
The visit of the leader of US imperialism Bush to the "Old Continent". He came, saw, pressed and returned with "empty hands". Formidable and continuously increased are the differences between USA and EU
V.I. Lenin (22.4.1870 - 21.1.1924) 79 years from the death of the great revolutionary
A. Papariga: Only "candidate" for the 21st century's "NOBEL" price of Economics
Pablo Neruda: "Nuevo Canto de Amor a Stalingrad"
Issue 199:
The restoration of the historical truth about the resistance and the struggle of the CP of Greece 1918-55 against the Khrushchevian revisionism is imperative (An intervention of the "Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55" in a meeting)
Issue 198:
J.V. Stalin: 125 years from his birth
Guerillas Communists of ELAS-DSE
-Thodoros Polihronidis
-Olga Polohronidu
-Dimitris Diamantis
527.222 unemployed as of December 2004 in our country
Increase of racism violence in Russia. 44 murders during 2004
Iraq: The Iraqi "C"P supports the participation in the elections - The downfall of the conquerors' collaborators has no end
Issue 197:
Considering the 17th Congress of the "C"PG: "C"P of Greece – a bourgeois, social-democratic party in the service of the service of the class interest of the Capital
Kostas Varnalis - The great revolutionary communist poet of the proletariat 30 years after his death
Kostas Varnalis' In Exile
Kosta Varnalis' Triptptyque
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