Friday, December 29, 2006

Anasintaxi issue 239 RELEASED

CONTENTS- Hands off Universities asylumAgainst the privatization of education and the reactionary revision of the ConstitutionOnly the militant UNITY of academics-teachers and mass OCCUPATIONS students-pupils can stop government's reactionary "reformation"- Against the instrumentalization of education Declaration of the XX. International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist Youth Camp See the entire statement here - Giogros Kotzioulas the brave poet of the poor, the Revolution and the National Resistance (50 years from his dea...
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Friday, December 22, 2006

Stalin's 127th birthday anniversary

Georgians carry red flags and portraits of the great Soviet leader Josef Stalin during a rally marking his 127th birthday anniversary in Stalin's home town of Gori.(AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov)...
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Thursday, December 21, 2006


Francisco Caraballo is First Secretary of the Communist Party of Colombia (marxist-leninist) and commander of the glorious People's Army of Liberation or EPL. He was captured in 1994 and has been impprisoned in the high security jail at Itagui outside Medellin. Francisco Caraballo has been re-elected leader of the Party and is also spokesperson for the EPL. Colombia is a bourgeois-pro-imperialist state where the rights of the people are trampled, forcing them to take up arms. The Communist Party of Colombia (marxist-leninist) was formed as a revolutionary party in the July month of 1965 and...
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Friday, December 15, 2006

ICMLPO: Resolution on the Situation in the Middle East

* This article translated in Greek is available on issue 243 of Anasintaxi.The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), meeting in Brazil, at its XIIth Plenary Session, has examined the situation in the Middle East. In the first place, the participants greet the International Conference of Solidarity with the People of Lebanon and other peoples of the region, a conference which is held in Lebanon. The ICMLPO has particularly examined the following points: 1. U.S. imperialism which, together with its English ally, has been occupying Iraq since 2003,...
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Statement of the International Conference of Marxists-Leninist Parties and Organizations to APPO

* The statement translated in Greek is available on issue 242 of Anasintaxi. To the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) Our Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, of Europe, Asia, America and Africa, have followed with attention, solidarity and recognition the heroic struggle of the Mexican people and in particular, the struggle of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca, who have confronted in a determined and consistent way the economic politics of the neo-liberal oppressors of their country and of the State of Oaxaca, headed by the PRI [Institutional Revolutionary...
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