Thursday, September 27, 2007

The three versions of Nikos Zachariadis' death

This article was published for the first time in the newspaper "Anasintaxi" issue 232 (August 2006), in Greek, as addendum to an article of c. Nikandros Kepesis entitled "The murder of Nikos Zachariadis"The three versions of Nikos Zachariadis' deathA. The first two versionsIn the first days of August 1973, when the Soviet authorities and the Khruschevian Florakis leadership announced that Nikos Zachariadis died, two different versions of his death were immediately formulated. The first and the official one was presented by his executioners, the social-democratic Brezhnev-Florakis leadership: “On...
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Friday, September 21, 2007

TASHKENT September `55 – the beginning of the struggle of all the world communists against Krushchevian revisionism

Nobody could have ever imagined that in the middle of the `50s of the previous century, a small and unknown city was destined to go down in history of the world communist movement as the birthplace of resistance against the Krushchevian revisionism and the beginning of international struggle against this treacherous counter-revolutionary trend; this small city is Tashkent, the capital of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan, “lost” in the depths of Asia, alien for the Greek and world proletariat. Nobody could have ever imagined that a handful of revolutionaries - members of a Communist...
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Incendies : qui est responsable ?

GrèceIncendies : qui est responsable ?L’Organisation pour la Reconstructrion du Parti Communiste de Grèce nous livre son analyse.“Cet été, la Grèce a connu le plus grand désastre écologique de son histoire moderne. Depuis juin, plus de 3 000 incendies ont eu lieu, avec comme résultat des milliers d'hectares de forêts brûlés et la mort de 78 personnes.Les feux qui ont pris dans tous les coins du pays durant les dix derniers jours d’août furent le point culminant de cette tragédie écologique : pour ces seuls dix jours, ce sont 300 000 hectares de forêt et de terres agricoles qui ont brûlé.Les conséquences...
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Wer ist verantwortlich für die Waldbrandkatastrophe in Griechenland?

Eine Erklärung der Bewegung für die Wiedergründung der KP Griechenlands 1918-1955 (Anasintaxi)In diesem Sommer hat Griechenland das größte ökologische Desaster in seiner modernen Geschichte erlebt. Seit Juni sind über 3.000 Waldbrände ausgebrochen, tausende Hektar fruchtbares Land wurden verbrannt, 78 Menschen starben.Die Waldbrände, die in fast jedem Winkel des Landes in den letzten zehn Tagen des August ausbrachen, waren der Höhepunkt dieser Umwelttragödie. Danach waren 3.000.000 Hektar Wald und fruchtbares Land verbrannt, jungfräulicher Forst zerstört.Die Folgen der verheerenden Brände sind...
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About the fires in Greece

This summer Greece went through the greatest ecological disaster in its modern history. Since June, more than 3000 fires have broken out and as a result thousands of hectares of green land were scorched and 78 people died.The fires that broke out in almost every corner of the country during the last 10 days of August were the culmination of this environmental tragedy. The aftermath was the scorching of 3,000,000 hectares of forest and arable land and the destruction of virgin forests.The consequences of the disastrous fires are not only ecological. The number of dead from the last fires has reached...
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