Saturday, February 07, 2009

Socialism – class struggle in the Soviet Union (1936-1953). The revolutionary trials of the 1930’s as the continuation and escalation of the class struggle

The revolutionary changes that took place in the economy of the Soviet Union during the first two decades led, in the mid ‘30s, to the building of the economic foundation of socialism and the elimination of all exploiting classes; these changes were expressed in the new country’s Constitution (1936). Analyzing the economic, social, class situation in that stage of Soviet Union’s development, Stalin points out the following in relation to the class structure: “The landlord class, as you know, had already been eliminated as a result of the victorious conclusion of the Civil War. As for the other...
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Friday, February 06, 2009

ADEDY calls 24-hour strike for February 25

Another 24-hour nationwide strike throughout the public sector was announced by the civil servants' union ADEDY on Tuesday, scheduled to take place on February 25. During a Tuesday press conference, ADEDY President Spyros Papaspyros said the government was adopting a policy of suppressing trade union mobilisation, referring to a recent court decision that ruled against an ADEDY strike but also the attacks by riot police against the latest rally by civil servants and against farmers in Piraeus earlier the same day. He also criticised the three-year stability programme submitted by Greece to...
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Telecoms work stoppage in Athens on Friday

Hellenic Telecoms Organization (OTE) employees throughout Attica prefecture will stage a three-hour work stoppage on Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, scheduled to coincide with an extraordinary General Assembly of OTE shareholders to take place at a central Athens hotel. The OTE employees' umbrella federation OME-OTE, in an announcement on Tuesday, called on OTE employees to demonstrate outside the hotel, with the purpose of halting the concession of OTE management to German telecom Deutsche Telekon. It also called on the government to take measures to that OTE will remain under state control...
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Monday, February 02, 2009

Cde Vasilis Papasotiriou, the president of the “Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55” and publisher of the newspaper “Anasintaxi”, passed away

Athens, 2nd February 2009 On Saturday, on the 31st of January 2009, comrade Vasilis Papasotiriou died in his home in Athens. Comrade Vasilis Papasotiriou was member of the revolutionary Communist Party of Greece since 1941, guerrilla of the National Liberation People’s Army (ELAS) and the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE), revolutionary communist. He remained an adversary of Krushchevite revisionism and adherent of the revolutionary line of Stalin and Zachariades until the end of his life. He was president of the “Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55” and publisher...
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