Saturday, February 05, 2011

Hungarian and Greek social-democrats (“G”PG) jointly honor the renegade Janos Kadar

On the 4th of July 2010, the Hungarian Krushchevites, jointly with the social-democratic “C”PG (a delegation headed by the Politburo member G. Marinos) commemorated the 21st anniversary from the death of the renegade Janos Kadar in the central cemetery of Budapest. It is the second time that the Greek and Hungarian Krushchevites honor the anti-stalinist, anti-communist Janos Kadar the first being on the 5th of July 1997 in which the renegade H. Florakis participated (“Rizospastis”, 6/7/1997, p.9). “Rizospastis” stated then “with this event, the Labor Party doesn’t pay homage only to Janos Kadar...
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Tunisia: 14 January Front statement: The revolution must continue until it achieves is objectives

While the Tunisian masses continue their sit-in at the Governmental Square at Qasbah (in the capital city), and tens of thousands of Tunisians have marched in Sfax, Tunis, Sidi Bouzid, Jendouba, Nabeul and other parts of the country, to bring down the government of “National Unity", they imposed on us a modified government led by Mohamed Ghannouchi, with clear evidence of the interfering of USA Secretary of State Feltman.   This government is the continuation of the dictatorship and tyranny and was dictated by imperialist forces of America and European countries that have brought our...
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