Friday, April 29, 2011

Toufan: Hail May 1st!

The Working Class Will Bring About the Spring of Humanity! One hundred and twenty-two years ago, the workers of the world decided to celebrate May 1st as “Working Class Day.” This decision was made in 1889 at the Congress of the Socialists of the World in Paris, France. On May 1st, when nature wakes up from her winter sleep, when the mountain and forest become freshly green, when the meadows and wheat fields sprout, and the sun bestows more warmth, when the exuberance of freshness is felt in the air, when nature becomes once again alive and finds its happiness, the socialist workers in Paris...
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Declaration of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

DECLARATION International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations The earthquake and tidal wave that struck on March 11 in Japan caused a catastrophe whose extent is still not known, since the authorities of that country lie and hide revealing data. This raises more sharply than before the problem of nuclear energy, of power plants that are being built in many countries of the world. A month after the beginning of that catastrophe, it has still not been controlled and continues to dump into the ocean enormous quantities of radioactive particles, which have ruined the lives...
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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia (PCOT)- Communiqué

Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia Communiqué It has been two months since the glorious revolution of January 14. In this period the people have made important gains thanks to their struggle and sacrifices. After bringing down the two governments of Ghanouchi, the Tunisian people were able to impose their demand for a constituent assembly, the dissolution of the “Democratic Constitutional Union” and of the political police. They also won great progress in freedom of expression, organization, meetings and demonstrations. But despite all this, the revolution has only gone half way and...
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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Communist Workers' Party of Tunisia opposes Libya intervention, calls for completion of revolution

The Communist Workers' Party of Tunisia on Libya: "The Tunisian revolution has spread to many Arab countries. Egypt's dictator fell, while authoritarian regimes in Yemen and Bahrain are fiercely repressing popular uprisings, in Bahrain, with the help of Saudi Arabia. Our neighbour, the Libyan people, rose up against their tormentors, but events took a bad turn with the intervention of the United States and its allies, under the pretext of protecting civilians. The US administration has hardly mentioned the killing of civilians in Yemen and Bahrain, as it has also never done regarding Gaza, Lebanon...
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