Sunday, January 29, 2012

In the commodity economy of the Soviet Union, labor power had been anew converted to commodity

At "Unity and Struggle" issue 23 (November 2011) we published an article with the title The working class in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period was no longer the owner of the means of production Here is the second part of this article. The restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union (1953-1990). The working class in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period was no longer the owner of the means of production b. In the commodity economy of the Soviet Union, labor power had been anew converted to commodity. The economic category “labor power” is the fundamental and most central for understanding scientifically...
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Friday, January 27, 2012

William Z. Foster on Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism

“Stalin has further developed Marxism-Leninism through many invaluable theoretical accomplishments. His principal contributions to Marxian theory lie in indicating the path of the actual building of socialism in the U.S.S.R. Thus, his powerful polemics against Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin and their counterrevolutionary affiliates comprised the greatest ideological struggle of our times. They clarified every aspect of the vast and unique problem of building socialism in one country, and surveyed the whole position of international capitalism. They resulted in a decisive victory for the leadership...
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Georgi Dimitrov on Stalinism

The social-democrat lackeys often call us “stalinists” and they think that in this way they insult the communists. But we are proud of this honorary appellation as we are proud of the appellation “leninists”. There is no greater honor for a revolutionary than being a true leninist, a true stalinist, a devoted disciple of Lenin and Stalin until the end. And there is no greater happiness for the communists than fighting under the guidance of Stalin for the triumph of the international proletariat's just cause. Not everybody can be a stalinist. The honorary appellation “leninist-stalinist” has to...
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Dimitris Glinos on Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism

“Stalin, in the era of socialist reconstruction of society on the conditions of the struggle against the reactionary fascism enriched Marxism-Leninism with many elements which developed in new social conditions. Marxism, worldview and lively method of the proletariat and the Communist Party developed in Leninism-Stalinism, gives a unique sound knowledge of the world and the way of action for change in the interest of social progress. The current social reality of the terrible warfare which came from the internal contradictions of capitalism and fascism imposed by a testament to the correctness...
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Nikos Zachariadis on Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism

“It is our duty, armed with the theory and the method of Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin, the ideological arsenal of Marxism – Leninism - Stalinism, to study and dissects Greek life and reality with a time of changes and developments to analyze and know the modern Greek, local peculiarities and characteristics, to illuminate the Greek beam path to people’s democracy and socialism – communism” (Nikos Zachariadis, “Marxism-Leninism in Greece”, Communist Review, Athens, June 1946, p. 5) “4. If Leninism is the passage from imperialism to the revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat, Stalinism...
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Svetlana Stalin, the last living child of Joseph Stalin, died

On November 22, the last living child of Joseph Stalin, Svetlana, died. Joseph Stalin had three children: Yakov, Vasily and Svetlana. Yakov was arrested by the Hitlerites in early July 1941 and executed on April 14, 1943 following the refusal of Joseph Stalin to exchange him with a German general. As stated by cde Yannis Karastathis in his book “Against antistalinist – anticommunist hysteria” (Athens 1993) Stalin’s answer was explicit, concise and unusual for Germans and not only: “I won’t exchange a soldier for a Marshal. All the people (of the Soviet Union) are my children.” Vasily was arrested...
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joint Statement on the situation in the Middle East

January 16, 2012 Support the people who have risen up for their rights and their freedom! We condemn the imperialist conspiracies against Syria and Iran! During 2011 the Arab people in North Africa and the Middle East stood up, one after the other. They did not want to be exposed to the consequences of monopolistic capitalist hegemony, as unemployment and poverty. They said no to oppression from the autocratic dictatorships that have watched this hegemony. But the 30-40 year-old despot regimes has been the main cause of the disorganization of the oppressed masses and has also prevented them...
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

En Marcha: The struggle of Albania against maoism (part 1)

En Marcha, #1560, 9-15/12/2011, p. 8 The Party of Labour of Albania (PLA) after facing and fighting Khrushchev had to to unmask and fight a new facet of revisionism, but this time came from the Asian continent and under the hand and the leadership of Mao Tse-Tung. From 1956, the year in which it is presented the report of the XX Congress CPSU, the PLA had closer relations with the Chinese. This relationship increasingly girded for fight Albanians deployed against Khrushchevit revisionism, but the action driven by Mao and his followers degenerated into a pragmatic policy seeking to make...
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Sunday, January 15, 2012


By D. N. Pritt K.C., M.P. The trial of Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yefdokimov, Bakaief, and twelve other persons accused of participa­tion in terrorist conspiracies against the Government of the Soviet Union, which was held in Moscow in the latter part of August 1936, resulting in all the accused being sentenced to death and executed, has given rise to a good deal of criticism in Great Britain. Some of this criticism was frankly unscrupulous, and a great deal of it was based on unjustified assumptions that the Soviet authorities had been guilty of any and every abuse; but much of it was made in good faith....
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