Sunday, February 26, 2012

Anasintaxi, issue 363 (1-15/02/2012)

- GREECE IMMEDIATELLY OUT of the imperialist EU. The new neo-colonial loan agreement has been voted. Class struggle against local and foreign capital needs to be strengthen. Strengthen the struggle against the imperialist EU. Unmask the pro-imperialist/pro-EU political positions of all bourgeoisie (ND-PASOK-Nazifascists of LAOS) and social-democratic parties (“K”KE-SYN), etc. - Steelworker’s strike (over 100 days of strike) - Stop-Cancel all financing to the political parties from people’s taxes. - EMEP’s 6th Congress / The speech of cde. Raul Marco - Joint communiqué of the Organization...
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Toufan: The Criminal, Inhumane, Warmongering, and Illegal Sanctions on Iran

Statement by the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) on The Criminal, Inhumane, Warmongering, and Illegal Sanctions on Iran On Monday January 23, 2012, the foreign ministers of the imperialist European Union countries decided in Brussels to extend the economic sanctions on Iran by putting sanctions on Central Bank of Iran and by freezing the assets of the Iranian people in Europe. In order to inflict a heavy damage on the economy of Iran, they decided to place an embargo on the export of the Iranian oil to Europe. To impose economic blockades on and to cause hunger in Iran are acts that are internationally...
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Monday, February 13, 2012

Riot police attacks demostrators with atrocius brutality

img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('97034511-7a8a-4f6c-ba47-a195ef116df6'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = "";" src="" style="border-style: none">Thessaloniki, February 13, 2012...
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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Greek unions call 48-hour strike February 10-11

Greece's two main unions GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers)  - ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation) have called a 48-hour general strike February 10-11 to protest government plans to pass new austerity measures including spending cuts, tax increase and state-asset sales. They also call for  protests outside the Greek parliament on Friday and Saturday at 11 am and a mass protest on Sunday (February 12) at 5 pm. The last general strike was on February 7. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strike and has released posters, flyers,...
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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Anasintaxi, issue 361-362 (1-31/01/2012)

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Anasintaxi, issue 359-360 (1-31/12/2011)

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Greek unions to hold new general strike February 7

Greek unions GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers)  - ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation) on Wednesday announced a general strike on Februry 7 against austerity cuts. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strike and has released posters, flyers, etc. to support the struggle. The last general strike was on December 1 last year.   Archive: Greek unions call strike December 1 -Greek unions call 48-hour strike October 19-20 -Greek unions to hold new general strike October 19 and nationwide civil service strike October 5 - Greek...
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