Thursday, August 23, 2012

The commodity economy of the Soviet Union in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period: a complete and permanent capitalist economy

At "Unity and Struggle" issue 23 (November 2011) we published an article with the title The working class in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period was no longer the owner of the means of production At "Unity and Struggle" issue 24 (May 2012) we published the second  of this article with the title In the commodity economy of the Soviet Union, labor power had been anew converted to commodity Here is the third part. The restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union (1953-1990) The commodity economy of the Soviet Union in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period: a complete and permanent capitalist economy...
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Statement of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America

From En Marcha, Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador #1589, August 10-16, 2012 Statement of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America (Extract) We have united the Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties of Latin America to discuss various points, in particular the follow-up of the situation in our respective countries and on the international plane, as well as to define the commitments stemming from the meeting. After various exchanges of opinions and discussions, we reached the following conclusions: The crisis of the capitalist system is continuing and...
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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Anasintaxi 372 (1-31/7/2012)

- ND-PASOK-DIMAR government - Government’s Program statements - Cut the finance of the parties by peoples’ taxes - CAPITALISM: Common enemy of the UNITED proletariat - P. Zyablov: Yugoslavia’s Patriots Resist Tito Fascism - ICMLPO: We Will Not Pay For the Crisis or the Debt - No to the So-Called Merkel-Sarkozy “Budget Pact” - Long Live International Solidarity! - XXIII Antiimperialist-Antifascist Youth Camping...
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Anasintaxi 371 (1-30/6/2012B)

- EU Council summit in Brussels - Unemployment - Independent Women Movement - “The real emancipation of the peoples is the revolution and socialism” - Tunisia: The dictator Ben Ali sentenced for 20 years - Tufan:The worker-activists must be released immediately and unconditionally from the prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran ! - Free MARCELO RIVERA – political prisoner of the Correa government...
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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Anasintaxi 370 (1-30/6/2012)

- Elections June 2012: Government of the monarch fascist party of New Democracy which led in 2006-2009 to the open and complete bankruptcy of the country's economy, with the collision of PASOK-DIMAR - Elections June 2012: Comment of the results - The shipwreck o “K”KE - The connections between monarch-fascist and nazi-fascists parties (part 2) - PCEML: Our comrade Angel Serrano died - William Z. Foster: Lenin and Stalin as mass leaders (part 2)...
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