Friday, June 21, 2013

Nationalization of public transport now! The people in power!

Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians, mostly young people, are in the streets to demand the reduction of the absurd buses fares and a free pass. Public transport in our country is of poor quality, though it is one of the most expensive in the world. So 37 million Brazilians are forced to walk because they do not have money to pay the fare. But this does not happen by chance. Public transport has been privatized. In all major cities a small number of wealthy families are owners of bus companies. The rulers take bribes from these entrepreneurs and, in turn, increase the fares every year, often...
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Monday, June 17, 2013

EMEP: State terror in Turkey

17th June 2013 The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has, once again, tried to suppress the people’s demand for freedom and democracy expressed in Gezi Park demonstrations with the attack towards Gezi Park on the evening of 15 June. Absolute state terror is being directed at the people manifesting their demands through democratic and peaceful demonstrations. While the extent of the attacks have reached such a point as to carry the intention of killing people, similar to junta periods, it has not been possible to receive any news from those taken under police custody. Police forces...
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Saturday, June 15, 2013


As a result of the meetings held with the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), the Council has withdrawn its decision to cease our broadcast. RTÜK has also stated that it will resolve the licence issue at the soonest possible date. Hayat Television has eliminated the threat of a blackout with intensive support from the workers, labourers, youth, women, impoverished masses, intellectuals, artists and the people as a whole who have deemed it to be their own channel as of the moment it has initiated its establishment. The reaction of all the different sections of society struggling for democracy...
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

URGENT: Hayat TV to close down

Hayat TV, a progressive Turkish TV channel of the working people, the youth, women and the intellectuals is facing closure. We believe this is a blow to people’s freedom of information. The decision for the closure is made by the broadcasting regulator RTUK, Radio & Television High Commission with the pretext that Hayat TV has no licence. This is not true. Hayat TV has been broadcasting since 21 March 2007 by ofcom licence via TURKSAT satellite. But a recent change in broadcasting rules via TURKSAT requires broadcasters to obtain a RTUK licence to be able to broadcast via satellite. Our...
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Selma Gurkan: Gezi resistance needs to grow

Labour Party (EMEP) Leader Selma Gürkan stated that the resistance started at Gezi Park widened to become an opposition to AKP government policies. Regarding the Prime Minister’s stance she said, “This is not simply insistence on the Barracks. The PM knows that if he takes a back step now others will follow”. Gürkan answered our questions, stating that widening of the resistance is the immediate responsibility of all labour and democratic forces. What are your thoughts on the people’s movement started by the defence of trees in Gezi Park? The will and resistance shown by the people to the fluctuating...
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turkey: Police entered Taksim Square

  Police entered Taksim Square 11st June 2013 Riot police have taken partial control of Taksim Square after entering the site around 7.30 a.m. today and surrounded the Atatürk Statue following use of tear gas and pressurized water on the protesters. It was the first time the police entered the square since they retreated from the venue on June 1. The police removed the banners and flags hanging on the AKM cultural center and the Atatürk statue. Only a Turkish flag and an Atatürk poster remained on the AKM. Police forces...
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Friday, June 07, 2013

The Stalinist Constitution (1936) in Greek

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Anasintaxi 386B (1-31/5/2013)

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Anasintaxi 386 (1-31/5/2013)

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Anasintaxi 385B (1-30/4/2013)

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Anasintaxi 385 (1-30/4/2013)

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Nikos Zachariadis: Articles in “Rizospastis” (1945)

The "Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55" all articles written by Nikos Zachariadis in “Rizospastis” in 1945 and printed a small book. The book also contains all interviews of Nikos Zachariadis published in “Rizospastis” at the same year. Άρθρα του Νίκου Ζαχαριάδη στο Ριζοσπάστη (1945)...
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Long Live International Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Turkey!

In the recent week, the world has witnessed the formation of a wide-spread and massive movement against the policies of the ruling party “Justice and Development Party – AKP” in Turkey. Though the media of the “democratic” countries tried to stop the world-spread of the news about the development of events in Turkey but the power of the movement and the mass reporting of the events by the people on the scenes broke the silence of the imperialist media. The reports showed the brutality of the repressive forces who rule in Turkey. They also showed the world the fast growth, the spread, and the demands...
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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) Boycotts the Sham Presidential Elections in Iran and Demands Democratic Rights and Freedom for the People!

According to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, president of the country is elected by the direct popular votes and not by the parliamentary representatives. The presidential elections in Iran will take place on June 14, 2013. Every 4 years, the Iranian authorities appeal to the citizens for their vote in order to nationally and internationally legitimize their rule. During the election campaigns, the Islamic authorities promise to improve the economic conditions of the masses and to make the future better for the citizens, but the economic- social- political conditions have been...
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EMEP: About the developments in Turkey

How can anyone interpret the ongoing widespread massive demonstrations launched on previous week? The Turkish Spring? A public upheaval? Or a coup attempt ignited by the nationalists? To make a realistic interpretation,one must consider the latest political incidents in Turkey. Definitely, it is not just one spark which glinted the fire. AKP Government,the most loyal ally of US and Western Imperialism in Middle East ,an important actor of the Greater Middle East Initiative and the most devoted executor of Neo-liberal politics;and its policies were found extensive protests for years.  ...
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Saturday, June 01, 2013

EMEP: Three dilemmas of Turkey in Syria problem

It is being alleged that CIA and MOSSAD agents swarmed in tent camps that house Syrian refugees, There are also news that the camps where Syrian soldiers and police -who reportedly go to Syria for protests and come back- are staying a “beaten track” for the CIA and MOSSAD. On the other hand, it is known that these various groups referred as the “Syrian opposition” negotiate publicly with Turkish officials “out of the blue”, especially with Davutoğlu. It is also said that these refugees in tent camps don’t stop fighting with each other about ethnic and sectarian issues. It is obviously visible...
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