The European elections in Greece were held under conditions of austerity , mass unemployment , people's misery and enhanced national dependence on the imperialist centers and multinationals. In this election , abstention remained stable at a high percentage (over 42 %) . The accumulated resentment , social protest and anger against government policies and government parties (ND : 22.7 % , PASOK : 8% , etc) expressed in electoral victory of SYRIZA (26.5 %). But this victory was neither a corresponding mass social protest or sweeping. SYRIZA supported and supports the policy of theory of...
Friday, May 30, 2014
On the European Elections
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

In the 21st century the world continues to be divided. The contradiction between Labor and Capital in all spheres is the division that reflects the antagonism between labor and the increasing socialization of production on the one hand, and the capitalist character of appropriation that is increasingly concentrated in a handful of people on the other hand. Scientific and industrial forces have emerged that were unimaginable fifty years ago; production has been mechanized to an extraordinary degree, technology, communications and computers have spread widely for social and individual...
Friday, May 16, 2014
Labour Party (EMEP), Turkey: About the Mine Massacre in Turkey
The reason for the Soma Massacre is the insatiable indulgence in exploitation by the bosses 284 miners have lost their lives in Soma, Manisa in a mine owned by Soma Coal Inc. The death toll is expected to rise and there is a high number of casualties. We send our condolences to the working class and the families of the deceased, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. We cannot call what happened in Soma an accident like the Government representatives are trying to. On the contrary, not an accident or fate this is a real massacre! According to figures, during the 12 years of AKP rule,...
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
“The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)” and “The Marxist-Leninist Organization of Toufan-Rahe Ayandeh” have united
The Unity Statement Dear Comrades, Communists, Workers, and Fellow Iranians! In the following statement, we inform all Marxist-Leninists, the working class, and the people of Iran that the two organizations of “The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)” and “The Marxist-Leninist Organization of Toufan-Rahe Ayandeh” have united. Both of these organizations reached agreement on all the following points after necessary discussions and an exchange of points of views. We circulate this statement among the sympathizers of the emancipation of the working class and those who sincerely wish to eliminate...
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Toufan: Long Live May 1st, the Harbinger of the Spring of the Working Class Liberation!
Long Live May 1st, the Harbinger of the Spring of the Working Class Liberation! If the workers put a stop to work, the world will go into disarray. Comrade Workers, May Day, the day of unity and solidarity of the workers of the world, is coming in a situation in which the US imperialists, with or without agreement of the UN Security Council, are continuing their aggression against smaller nations. The imperialists have created a situation resembling the era of old colonialism. They recognize neither the self-determination nor the independence of the nations, nor do they value the territorial...
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