Tuesday, November 29, 2016

ICMLPO: Communiqué on the Death of Fidel Castro

On January 1 1959 the Cuban revolution triumphed. Several years of guerrilla struggle waged in the mountains of the Island, courageous fights of the working class, youth and people developed in the cities culminated in victory. Ninety miles from Yankee imperialism, the Cuban revolutionaries broke with the thesis of "geographic fatalism" according to which, because of the proximity of the United States, It was not possible to make the revolution in Latin America.The achievements of the Revolution, the agrarian reform, the nationalization of all the US enterprises, the eradication of...
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Step by Step; Moving Towards a Dictatorship

Labour Party (EMEP), Turkeyemep.org The failed attempted military coup of 15 July, orchestrated by the so called ‘Gülen Movement’ - the pro-American Islamic organisation that shared power with the AKP government for 10 years – was called “a gift from God” by the Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan. The crushing of the coup was quickly followed by the declaration of a state of emergency (OHAL). OHAL enabled the government to take administrative and political decisions and to introduce regulatory legislation without the need for judicial and/or parliamentary approval. ...
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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Solidarity with the Union of Educators of Ecuador (UNE)

From the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, we extend our solidarity with the National Union of the Educators of Ecuador (UNE), the largest trade union organism of the Ecuadorian teachers that in its history of more than 72 years has played a very important role for the conquering of the rights and freedoms for the people and has stood firm against the most heinous dictatorships that the Ecuador has seen. Today, just like yesterday, UNE is subject of harassment and persecution on the part of the reaction that took shape in Rafael Correa government,...
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The XXII Conference of the CIPOML gathered in Denmark, manifest its full solidarity to the growing protests of the working class and the youth of Brazil to reject to the parliamentary manoeuvre imposed by the most reactionary National Congress in the whole history of Brazil that responds to the miserable interests of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo and to the oligarchy of the financial capital, which powered up the impeachment with the clear objective of loading on the shoulder of the working classes the terrible weight of the current economic crisis that corrode...
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Resolution on Colombia

The Parties and Organizations participating in the XXII International Plenary have carried out a detailed monitoring of the Colombian reality, especially of the activities that are realised today in this country for the peace. Our Conference wants to take advantage of this occasion to reiterate its full support to the working class, the labourers and the people of Colombia, to their struggle for the achievement of a true peace with social justice. The results of the plebiscite Having known the results of the plebiscite held on October 2, we point out the high level of abstention that...
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Sunday, November 06, 2016

Stop the warmongers! - The beating of war drum is getting louder and louder.

The beating of war drum is getting louder and louder.NATO and US allies on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other, are steadfastly heading toward war. The threats of war are being expressed quite blatantly. What used to be “buffer zones”, have become militarized. The armies and navies of the imperialist are confronting each other in many region of the world: in Syria, around the Arab peninsula; in the South China Sea; in the Baltic region and in the Ukraine; and last, but not least, in the vast Arctic.For imperialism, war is the “final solution” to the crisis and stagnation in...
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“Free Trade Agreements” Weapons of Economic Aggression and Imperialist Domination

Currently in most of the European countries as well as in the USA and Canada, hundred thousands of workers and progressive people protest and fight against “free trade treaties” like TTIP, TISA and CETA. A large resistance movement has developed. Already, there have been some successes in the struggle. The negotiations have been suspended. Nevertheless the resistance movement especially against CETA continues.Why?The workers and peoples have gathered some experience with “free trade agreements” and have seen that they did not result in more and better jobs, but instead in increased poverty....
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Solidarity with the Peoples of Turkey in Defense of their Democratic Rights!

We observe with concern the aggressive and warmongering policy of Turkey, in the interior as well as in the exterior. The AKP government and its leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan turned to strangling liberty which is a menace to all the civil liberties, especially the freedom of opinion and press. The attempted coup on the July 15, represented a “gift of god” for Erdogan, just as he called it himself. He used it in order to accelerate the installation of a single-party and single-person dictatorship. The state of emergency, which has been decreed after the attempted coup served to suffocate...
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ICMLPO: Communique

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations (ICMLPO) has successfully concluded its 22rd Plenary, held in Denmark in October 2016. It was characterized by a strong political and ideological unity and a revolutionary and optimistic spirit, recording many advances in the work of the parties and organisations in spite of the relentless anti-communist attacks from the ruling classes, their lackeys and their media. The Conference finalized and adopted the political Platform,  one of its basic documents alongside the original Quito declaration and the Rules of...
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October 10 is not only a day of commemoration; it is also a day of struggle!

We lost 101 friends, of which 16 were members of our party, in the October 10 Ankara massacre. The demands they had chanted in favour of on that Black Day – labour, peace and democracy – still maintain their urgency and importance. The Ankara massacre took place at a highly tense period in our country and the Middle East. The expansionist neo-Ottomanist foreign policy of the AKP government in Syria and in the Middle East had worsened the war, and its sectarian and nationalist policies had polarised and fragmented the masses, so as to liquidate the hard-won rights of the working...
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