Saturday, August 05, 2017

EMEP: This lawlessness will be tried in the public conscience

In its endeavour to create a political regime defined by a one-man state characterised by oppression, violence and prohibition, the AKP Government has been responsible for all sorts of lawlessness. Including the arrest of politicians, elected officials, journalists and defenders of human rights; the closure of newspapers, magazines, television channels and radio channels; and the prohibition of strikes and protests… Our party member, media adviser and Evrensel Writer Yusuf Karataş has been arrested as part of the investigation into the Democratic Society Congress (DTK)...
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Friday, June 30, 2017

ICMLPO: Resolution on Turkey

Resolution on Turkey: For the annullment of government decrees and an end to the state of emergency In Turkey, the state of emergency declared by the Erdogan regime following the coup attempt last year is still in full force under the pretext of “the fight against the coup plotters”. Government decrees issued so far have made clear that this “fight” was not limited to the coup plotters, but rather, since Erdogan called it a “god sent opportunity”, the state of emergency is being used to realize a counter-coup against the progressive, democratic and revolutionary forces of the country....
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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) on criminal aggression against Syria

We condemn the attack on Syria in the strongest terms! Finally, after several days of false propaganda of western imperialist’s media about the use of "chemical weapons” by the Syrian regime and shedding crocodile tears for "innocent children of t Syria" the U.S launched an air strike against Alshariat airfield. As a comment to the attack, the Zionist criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said "Donald Trump both in word and in action sent a clear message to the effect that the use of chemical weapons will not be tolerated.". Netanyahu defended the aggression against...
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Saturday, April 08, 2017

OCTOBER REVOLUTION – Confirmation of Leninist theory of the Proletarian Revolution

Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 OCTOBER REVOLUTION – Confirmation of Leninist theory of the Proletarian Revolution The victorious outcome of the Proletarian Revolution in October (7 November) 1917 in Russia - with leading force the revolutionary proletariat in the alliance of workers-peasants and under the leadership of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party of LENIN-STALIN - marked the beginning of a new era in human history: it celebrated the passage from capitalism-imperialism to socialism and the beginning of the construction of the new socialist-communist...
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