Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Anasintaxi issue 242 RELEASED

CONTENTSThe fight of Academics-students against the reactionary reform of Karamanlis' government's escalates and strengthensRight answer: the repeated long-term Strikes and the Mass Long-term OccupationsThe cooperation of New Democracy-LAOS in the local electionsNikos Temponeras - 16 years from his brutal assassinationLong Live the Democratic Army (on the occasion of its 60th Anniversary)XII Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO)Statement of the International Conference of Marxists-Leninist Parties and Organizations to A...
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Friday, February 09, 2007

Anasintaxi issue 241 RELEASED

CONTENTS- ARTICLE 16 - ACADEMIC ASYLUM in immediate dangerThe reactionary Karamanlis' government intensifies its attack in the EDUCATIONND-PASOK-"C"PG tremble the mass long-term OCCUPATIONS- D. Glinos - Statement of the PB of the CC of KKE for his death (27/12/1943)- Berthold Brecht - 50 years from the death of the genius dramatist and great revolutionary communist poet- The revolutionary ideological direction of B. Brecht and the two urban-revisionist fables- The Stalin prize and the LIES of the anticommunist fraction of the Khrushchevian revisionists- Reconstruction of the CP of Spain...
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Friday, February 02, 2007

First victory for free public education - We continue the fight

Bulletin of the pan-hellenic initiative for article 16First victory for free public educationWe continue the fightWhat was considered impossible until a few days ago, finally happened. The revision of the constitution's article 16 cannot take place, without 180 votes in the parliament's assembly. The practical fall back of the leadership of PASOK (which the party of the opposition -"socialistic", and which actually still supports "private" universities) results from the strong pan-hellenic movement that disputes the market's dictatorship and defended public university with passion and sobriety....
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