Bulletin of the pan-hellenic initiative for article 16
First victory for free public education
We continue the fight
What was considered impossible until a few days ago, finally happened. The revision of the constitution's article 16 cannot take place, without 180 votes in the parliament's assembly. The practical fall back of the leadership of PASOK (which the party of the opposition -"socialistic", and which actually still supports "private" universities) results from the strong pan-hellenic movement that disputes the market's dictatorship and defended public university with passion and sobriety. Against the alliance between the (right wing) government and the leadership of PASOK, against the libelography on behalf of a big part of the press, against the violence of the police, and the alliance of 1,000 people willing to support the government in its most difficult moment, not only did the movement remained upright, but also managed to unfold moch more beyond the academic community. More than 330 university faculties have been occupied, strikes of POSDEP, committees were organized all over Greece, sending the message that EDUCATION IS NOT A MERCHANDISE!
The pan-hellenic initiative for article 16 (http://www.arthro16.gr) greets this first victory of the movement from the academic community and the people. But we should not rely on this. This is the beginning and the route is open!
Athens 02/02/07
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