Resounding Victory of the People and the LeftEditorial of the weekly En Marcha, number 1355, organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of EcuadorThe victory of the YES was crushing; 78% of Ecuadorians expressed their desire for change by opening the way to calling the National Constituent Assembly, which will now become the objective over which the various popular and political organizations will act.Together with this victory of the workers and peoples of Ecuador, of the parties of the left and other emocratic and progressive forces that waged the campaign in favor of the Yes, came the...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Editorial of En Marcha Resounding: Victory of the People and the Left in Equador
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
PCOF: Après l’évacuation du quartier général des sans-papiers
Après l’évacuation du quartier général des sans-papiers Amplifions la campagne pour la régularisation immédiate et globale de tous les sans-papiers Les forces de police sous les ordres du préfet de Paris, ont évacué le quartier général de campagne des sans-papiers, vendredi à 20h30. Les quelque deux cents sans-papiers, soutiens, personnalités qui occupaient l’immeuble EDF du boulevard Charonne, sont sortis dans le calme et ont été rejoints pas les centaines de personnes, massées devant l’immeuble. Tous ensemble, nous sommes partis en manifestation pour crier haut et fort l’exigence de...
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Statement of The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) about the USA's Plans on the Middle East
Stop the War!No Sanctions, No Bombs Against Iran!March 17, 2007The US has, directly after its occupation of Iraq, been building up several military bases close to the Iranian border.The US has made repeated demands on the Iranian government to accommodate to US policies concerning the "new American order". Replacement of the regimes in Iraq, North Korea and Iran is, and has been, part of the Bush doctrine. Right now, as the US has failed in Iraq, its war-mongering against Iran is on the increase. The US has now dispatched two aircraft carriers to the Gulf of Persia and placed 50 warships just...
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