Wednesday, November 28, 2007

V.I. Lenin: Marxism and Insurrection (extract)

Having recognised the absolute necessity for an insurrection of the workers of Petrograd and Moscow in order to save the revolution and to save Russia from a "separate" partition by the imperialists of both groups, we must first adapt our political tactics at the Conference to the conditions of the growing insurrection; secondly, we must show that it is not only in words that we accept Marx's idea that insurrection must be treated as an art. At the Conference we must immediately cement the Bolshevik group, without striving after...
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Monday, November 26, 2007

Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaaz: On the emergency Pakistan

ON THE EMERGENCY IN PAKISTANPakistan Mazdoor MahaazPresident Pervaiz Musharraf has imposed a state of emergency in the country, suspending certain provisions of the Constitution, under the Provisional Constitution Order.Prior to this, the president announced the withdrawal of all corruption charges pending in the National Accountability Bureau and courts against politicians.During the entire process, the contradictions between the exploiting classes have been brutally exposed. These classes, besides exploiting the masses, also fight among themselves. This is similar to the disputes between imperialist...
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

On the Events in Nandigram

* This article, translated in Greek, published in Anasintaxi issue 263The 14 known dead, the wounded, the raped and the unknown number missing in Nandigram, the victims gunned down by the joint police and the CPI M cadre ‘action’ on the 14th of March, visibly signify the pain of the marginalised sharecropper suffering from capital and state terror. Singur and Nandigram share their grief with the people of Kashipur and Kalinganagar in Orissa, the farmers who have committed suicide in their tens of thousands, the victims of Salwa Judum in Chhattisgarh, the dispossessed of the SEZs being instituted...
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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Muscovites rally for October Revolution anniversary

About 50,000 Muscovites, mostly young people and pensioners, gathered Sunday in the center of the capital city to mark the 87th anniversary of the October Revolution in 1917 leading to the founding of the former Soviet Union. (Itar-Tass Pho...
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APTUF Slams Martial Law in Pakistan

All Pakistan Trade Union FederationNovember 7th, 2007Let us claim the world over for immediate cancellation of the state of emergency in PakistanOn November 3rd, 2007, a state of emergency has been imposed to Pakistan. In the days that followed, arrests have been multiplied. Demonstrations have been banned, and constitutional rights suspended.All Pakistan Trade Union Federation supports the demand of trade unions and democratic organisations in Pakistan that the State of emergency be immediately cancelled, all prisoners released and the right of expression and association guaranteed.The All Pakistan...
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Sunday, November 04, 2007

90th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution

> Download the text in 8 languages (FR, ES, EN, PT, IT, EL, RU, DE) hereDeclaration of the International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organisations"We want to transform the world. We want to put an end to world imperialist world war, in which hundreds of millions of people are involved [...] and it will not be possible to an end to this war though a true democratic peace without the most significant of all the revolutions of mankind, namely the proletarian revolution." (V. I. Lenin, April 1917).The Great Revolution of October has risen up the enthusiasm and the hope of the...
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