Thursday, April 24, 2008

Letter of F. Caraballo to the organisations of the ICMLPO

Greetings After such a long and unwished absence, here I am, ready to continue that work so complex, where are compromised all of us yearning for a better world and a brighter future. There is so much to do. Physical distance left me with many unfinished tasks. At the theory level there are many concepts to clarify, to develop, tο spread with a greater amplitude and in practic also, of course. I have been physically absent, but my feelings and my thinkings always have been with you. Warm Greetings F.Caraba...
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Monday, April 21, 2008

Francisco Caraballo set free!

The Comitee of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), announces with emotion and revolutionary cheerfulness the conditional freedom of our dear and respected comrade Francisco Caraballo, last April 18. Caraballo (71 years old), has spent fourteen years inside a high-security jail. All this time he kept dignity and revolutionary firmness, as a consequente communist. Never his spirit weakened, nor he gave up under misfortunes, despite the hard conditions that he suffered.We considered as own those words of the Executive Comitee of the Communist Party...
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Friday, April 11, 2008

On the opportunist platform of Markos Vafiadis

Decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece On the opportunist platform of Markos Vafiadis I. For eight years now the people of Greece have waged a difficult armed struggle for their very existence. The Hitlerite conqueror was succeeded by Anglo-American imperialism which, with Monarcho-Fascism as its domestic instrument, wishes to turn Greece into a colony and a military base against socialism and People's Democracy in Europe. With [the] Varkiza [agreement] and its aftermath, the leadership of the KKE, almost without exception, saw clearly that Anglo-Monarcho-Fascist...
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First annual assembly of Communist Platform (Marxist-Leninist) convened

The Communist Platform (KPml) has recently convened its first annual assembly and elected a new leadership. KPml came into being in March 2007 as a response to the liquidation of the last remnants resembling a communist party organization i Norway, and the merger of this party (AKP) with the electoral alliance RV into a leftist reformist party project, named «Rødt» (Red). KPml is the sole new initiative that has evolved following the disintegration of the Norwegian party that, in spite of serious errors and shortcomings, still had some resemblance to a party of communist type. Clearly aspiring...
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Concerning certain distortions of Stalin’s work and L. Martens’ revisionist view of socialism

This article appears in the issue 16 (May 2008) of "Unity & Struggle" It has been more than ten years since the book “Another view of Stalin” by Ludo Martens was published. This book was hailed by many unsuspected and well intentioned communists all over the world as an “excellent pro-Stalin book”. However, at the same time a number of Khruschevian revisionist and opportunist parties that have traditionally adopted an anti-Stalinist line advertised and promoted the book in many ways. Taking into account the virtually unchanged ideological and political line of all these parties, Marxists-Leninists-Stalinists...
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Nikos Zakhariadis, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece: First Open Letter to the People of Greece on the Greek-Italian War, 31 October 1940; Second Open Letter on the Greek-Italian War, 26 November 1940; Third Open Letter on the Greek-Italian War, 15 January 1941

A. Papapanagiotou, ed., To Kommounistiko Komma Elladas ston polemo kai stin antistasi, Episima Keimena V 1940-1945 (Rome 1973) 16, 22-23, 31-35 First Open letter [Printed in the Athenian daily papers 2 November 1940] Mussolini's Fascism has murderously and impudently stabbed Greece in the back so as to enslave and subjugate her. Today all we Greeks fight for freedom, for honour, for our national independence. The struggle will be very difficult and very hard. But a nation that wants to live must fight, disregarding dangers and sacrifices. The people of Greece are today waging a war of national...
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