Saturday, September 27, 2008

Anasinaxi: Table of contents Issues 197-254

Issue 197 (1-15/1/2005) - 253-54 (1-31/7/2007) Issue 253-254 The reactionary Karamanlis government in the whirlpool of the government bonds scandal, police violence and torture PAME: in the service of the capital, the divisive and strikebreaking role of its reformist leaders Monument for the men and women fighters of the Democratic Army of Greece, heroes and heroines of the revolutionary Stalinist-Zachariadist KKE (1918-1955) Norwegian communists made serious steps towards their reorganization and unity Issue 252 A trip of destabilization and war – The visit of the American...
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Friday, September 26, 2008

Mr. Ekissi, Secretary General of the PCRCI: “Ivory Coast is far from being a State of law”

Interview by Alex Raymond-Loukou [9/8/2008] Mr. Ekissi, Secretary General of PCRCI On Wednesday, August 13, 2008, the Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast will hold the fourth commemoration of the assassination of one of its members, Abib Dodo. Before this important ceremony to be held at Adjame City Hall, the Secretary General of that party Mr. Achy Ekissi agreed to an interview with us. Mr. SG, what special significance do you give to this fourth commemoration of the death of Abib Dodo? The fourth commemoration of the death of Abib Dodo is a call to mobilize all democrats,...
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Grækenland: Kapitalisterne flår den arbejdende befolkning via pris- og skattestigninger

Af Anasintaxi Kommunistisk Politik 18, 2008 Der er krise i Euroland, og overalt søger de herskende at vælte krisens byrder over på den arbejdende befolkning – og overalt gås der til modstand. De græske marxist-leninisters blad Anasintaxi beskriver her situationen i dette land. I løbet af de seneste fem år, hvor det monarkistisk-fascistiske parti “Nyt Demokrati” har været ved magten, har der været tale om en brat og betydelig nedgang i levestandarden for størstedelen af befolkningen. Årsagen til dette er de gentagne pris- og skattestigninger, der er blevet pålagt af Karamanlis’ regering...
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Friday, September 12, 2008


Communicate from the Communist Platform of Italy Recent events in the Caucasus and questions posed by the war between Georgia, allied of the USA, and Russia, demands to take a clear position. First of all we must be conscious of the reactionary and imperialist nature of this war. This is a war for the distribution of influence zones and the resources (the oil reserve of the Caspian Sea, the second ones after Persian Gulf’s reserves): This war, incubated since years, is the continuation by other means of the politics of the great foreign powers and the internal struggle of its dominating...
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Capital Once Again Sets the Caucasus on Fire

Madrid, August of 2008 Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) Secretariat of the Central Committee Once again the Caucasus region has become a scene of confrontation between great powers. On repeated occasions, our Party has referred to the attempt of Yankee imperialism to tighten the net around Russia: the recently concluded agreement with Poland and the Czech Republic to establish an anti-missile shield in the area, as well as the attempts, so far unsuccessful, to integrate Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, were clear examples of this. On this occasion, with at least the consent of...
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Allow the free repatriation of the Slav-Macedonian political refugees and their families

The social-democratic leadership of “K”KE: militant vanguard and standard-bearer of the nationalist reactionDuring the past few weeks, Greek mass media have focused on the letters sent to the Karamanlis government and the international organizations by the ultra-reactionary and nationalist Gruevski – a puppet of American imperialism. However, two very important issues are being systematically hushed up:1. The fact that the Slav-Macedonian political refugees and their families are forbidden to return to their homeland2. The denial of the existence of a local Slav-Macedonian population in the Western...
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