Friday, May 29, 2009

The APK supports ‘Folkebevægelsen mod EU’, liste N (The People’s Movement against the EU) in the elections June 7th

By the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK) The Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark fight for the dissolution of  the European Union as an imperialist tool of the monopolist bourgeoisie and fight against the neoliberal and reactionary policy of the EU, that is applied in all member countries. Our entire struggle against social cutbacks and police state-tendencies in Denmark is closely connected to our struggle against the EU. We strongly raise the demand, that Denmark leaves the EU. We cherish no illusions that the EU may evolve into some kind of democratic institution, representing...
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EMEP: We condemn the "fascistic pressure" towards the KESK

We strongly condemn the "fascistic pressure" towards the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK) and its affiliated trade unions! 29th May 2009 The police operation against the Central Headquarters of KESK during the early hours on Thursday morning, the 28 May, has once again revealed the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government's true face. AKP is continuing to attack the workers and labourers and those forces talking about democracy and freedom with such accusations as separatism and terrorism. These kinds of attacks that have intensified recently remind us of the "McCarthy...
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Boycott euro-elections – Greece out of the EU

The poster above says: GREECE OUT OF THE EU Greece’s participation in the imperialist EU means OCCUPATION. SUBSTAIN from the Euroelections. Against the policy of hunger, unemployment, dependency, ecfascitation, wars, nationalism-racism and anticommunism there is no  indiscipline… there is only DENIAL and REVOLUTIONARY CLASS STRUGGLE. Movement for the REORGANITATION of KKE 1918-55
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Boycott euro-elections – Greece out of the EU

The Movement for the Reoganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 calls the Greek people to boycott the euro-elections with slogans “Boycott euro-elections” – “Greece out of the EU” The Political Committee of the Movement for the Reoganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 May 2009...
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Monday, May 18, 2009

EMEP: On the May Day Celebrations

The unity of the working class and the labourers has won in the May Day celebrations held in Turkey and around the world.11th May 2009The May Day celebrations held all around the world and in Turkey has been a day on which the working class and the labourers have declared that they do not want to pay the cost of the crisis. The massive character as well as the prevalence of the celebrations has stood out and they have also revealed both the periodical weaknesses and the opportunities for improvement and reinforcement within the workers' movement and the trade union struggle.Both around the world...
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Condemn the Attacks on May Day Demonstrators in Iran!

Letter from the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) Dear Comrades, On May 1, 2009, workers were gathering In Laleh Park in Tehran to celebrate the international working class day that the Security and Intelligence forces, along with uniform and plain-clothes police, of the Islamic Republic of Iran brutally attacked them. The repressive security forces tried to disperse 2000 workers who were already in the Park and to shut down the May Day demonstration before it started. Many activists have been savagely beaten and injured by the police. The Security and Intelligence forces have arrested more...
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