Saturday, October 31, 2009

Unity & Struggle No 19 (Spanish version)

Unity & Struggle No 19 ...
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Against bureaucratic conception of the unity of the Communists

"A party is the vanguard of a class and its duty is to lead the masses, not reflect the average mind of the masses." (V.I. Lenin, 1917) Read the interesting article of PCE (m-l) in Spanish here: Contra la concepción burocrática de la unidad de los comunistas...
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We condemn the coup d’état and support the struggle of the workers and people of Honduras

The member organizations of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations repudiate the coup d’état carried out by militarism and the Honduran oligarchy against the government of José Manuel Zelaya. This action, which was known by and had the support of the U.S. government, is not only an attempt to put a brake on the democratic process that had begun in that Central American country; it is also a test and a warning of what the reactionary forces are willing to do to halt and reverse the victories won by the peoples of Latin America, which have resulted in the formation...
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Concerted Action by the Right Wing

Editorial of the weekly En Marcha No. 1457, September 12 2009 Concerted Action by the Right WingA concerted action is underway by the forces of the right wing at the international level; the call several days ago for a “global protest” against the Venezuelan Government is an expression of this. Although on this occasion the target was Hugh Chavez, the aim is to create a mass movement to confront the democratic, progressive and left-wing current that is taking shape in Latin America. After a period of relative tolerance by oligarchic sectors and U.S. imperialism itself towards some of the democratic...
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Electoral Process in the Ivory Coast: What Must the Ivorian People Do to Exercise Sovereignty?

Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast (PCRCI) Electoral Process in the Ivory Coast: What Must the Ivorian People Do to Exercise Sovereignty?The upper bourgeois of the Ivory Coast has constantly written and repeated that democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people. This is written in black on white in Article 30 of the Ivorian constitution. Article 31 of the same Constitution states, more precisely, that sovereignty belongs to the people. The same Constitution does not prescribe representative mandate for life; in particular, the presidential term is limited....
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Down with the coup of the Bongo clan supported by French imperialism

Down with the coup of the Bongo clan supported by French imperialism Solidarity with the people of GabonThe Bongo clan, which took control of the country and ruled for 42 years, is once again imposing itself on the Gabonese people. This has been decided by the members of the clan, the military hierarchy, the business owners, not to forget Total, Bolloré, Rougier, Eramet, Bouygues as well as Veolia, BNP, Credit Lyonnais and Axa. In total, these are some of the 150 French companies that control the key sectors of oil, wood, trade, etc. The elections were marred by many irregularities. Ali Bongo...
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

A provocation against the peoples of the world: NObama, NObel, NOway!

English – Articles / Skrevet av Redaksjonen Friday, October 9 2009 23:17 By awarding the Nobel Prize to the Supreme Allied Commander of the bloody occupation army in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Norwegian Nobel committee yet again has contributed to the denigration of this medal. Giving this year's peace prize to President Barack Obama made a whole world speechless, even the Americans shake their heads. The President himself agrees that he feels unworthy, but that has not prevented him from accepting. Even the most enthusiastic USA-supporters, who have no objection whatsoever on the United...
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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Enver Hoxha: The Marxist-Leninist Movement and the World Crisis of Capitalism / JUST RELEASED!

Athens, October 2009 Pages: 38 Photos: 8 Size: A5 Language: Greek 3 euros The Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 released the work of cde Enver Hoxha “The Marxist-Leninist Movement and the World Crisis of Capitalism” that was written in 1979. The printed edition additionally contains an article for Hoxha’s 100th birthday that was published in our newspaper and an article of essayist Nils Andresson “Enver Hoxha and his time”, that it’s published in Greek for the first time. See also: Enver Hoxha: The Marxist-Leninist Movement and...
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Friday, October 02, 2009

Social Democracy strengthens its grip

Parliamentary elections were held in Norway on September 14th. The government since 2005 has been a so-called red and green coalition between the traditional, Social Democratic Norwegian Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet) and its junior partners; the Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti; petty bourgeois, reformist left) and the Centre Party (Senterpartiet; rural petty bourgeois). The following article was published by Communist platform the day after the election. As no true alternative to the bourgeois parliamentary 'blocks' was to be found, and since a central task was to keep Fremskrittspartiet...
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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Cowardly police attack on Comrade Hamma Hammami

Draft. Translation from a text found in September 29 Exposure Comrade Hamma Hammami, the spokesman for the Tunisian Communist Workers Party, upon his return from the French capital this afternoon to a barbaric attack by the political police agents of the Tunis-Carthage Airport. The beat immediately after passing a large number of Customs agents in civilian clothes were beaten and kicked over the whole body and uttered to all kinds of insults and verbal abuse, causing him bruises and several broken glasses and tearing his clothes. It was the attack on...
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