Sunday, August 28, 2011

APK: 12 Demands to a New Government

Translated by: The Espresso Stalinist 12 demands to a new government (1) 1. Stop the wars NOW! Welfare to ALL! 2. Jobs to the unemployed, places for interns/trainees/apprentices without places! Start environmentally friendly work: climate friendly energy, renovation of schools, homes, roads, sewerage etc. Places for trainees/interns/apprentices to all – now! 3. The working time must go down, not up! Scrap the lies about shortage of labour power and burden of old people! (2) Right to unemployment benefits in minimum four years – with right to education! Defend the real wage! 4. Right to a...
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Greeting of the ICMLPO to the Congress of the PCOT, presented by Comrade Raul Marco

Dear comrades of the Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia; dear comrades of the Marxist-Leninist parties, the revolutionary parties, the democratic and anti-imperialist parties and organizations present here: Through you, comrades of the PCOT, we salute the working class, the youth, the peasantry and the Tunisian people in general, who have risen up to expel the tyrant and his clique, pushing forward the revolution in your country, the Maghreb and the Next East. We thank for allowing us to take part in the tribune of your Second Congress, the first one of the revolutionary...
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Friday, August 26, 2011

Messsage to the Congress of the Workers' Communist party of Tunisia by M-L group “Revolution”

Dear comrades of the Workers' Communist Party of Tunisia (PCOT) After years of suppression, imprisonments, torture and martyrdoms of many courageous cadres, the PCOT has won ever more respect and authority among the Tunisian workers and youth. The party and its leadership, where comrade Hamma must be mentioned in particular, has played an important role in the Tunisian uprising and the ousting of dictator Ben Ali last winter. We are proud to belong to the same international movement as the PCOT. Your Congress is taking place at a time when the Tunisian uprising is at a serious crossroad....
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“Red camping” in Norway by the end of August

The Communist Platform (m-l) (Kpml) organises a camping in an area near Oslo, Norway on August 25-28. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 has been invited to participate in the camping. A comrade will talk on the situation in Greece, the crisis in the country and the EU. See also: - Interview to Revolusjon! - We owe nothing and we will not pay! - Contribution to the “Revolutionary Summer Camp 2009” in Denmark...
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