Saturday, December 29, 2012

ICMLPO: Resolution on the West African Region and Mali

Since 2010, the West African region and particularly the sub-Saharan zone has been marked by the armed interference and intervention of the imperialist powers. The objectives of those actions are: * Political, geostrategic and military, related to the struggle for the redivision of the world and of the African continent. * Economic (access to the petroleum of the Gulf of Guinea and the Ivory Coast; to the uranium of Niger and the precious metals that abound in the region; to solar energy; cacao, coffee, etc. * The struggle of the Anglo-Saxon (U.S. and Great Britain) and French imperialists...
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Unity and Struggle (issue 25, October 2012)

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Anasintaxi 381 (1-31/12/2012 B)

- The decision that “Ragousis’ Law” for the immigrants is unconstitutional is fascist and racist -CP Colombia (m-l): “Mao Zetung Thought” anticommunist theory and practice -Paul Robeson: Thoughts on Winning the Stalin Peace Prize (“Freedom”, January 1953) -Andrew Rothstein: The revolutionary Moscow trials (1936-1938) -ICMLPO: Handing the Nobel peace prize to the EU is an insult to the peoples of Europe and the whole world -ICMLPO: For the situation in the region of West Africa and Mali - More than 5 weeks strike in Neupack in Hamburg and Rotenburg (Wümme)...
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November 14th: All into the streets against austerity - for international solidarity

On November 14th general strikes have been called in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Malta against austerity policies, for jobs and solidarity. At the same time important mobilizations are prepared in the other countries of the European Union. On this day the longing of the workers for a coordinated and unified international response to these policies will be expressed. The heads of the EU governments have imposed a whole series of neoliberal measures, such as the new Financial Treaty, that place the burdens of the crisis on the shoulders of the workers, of the European peoples. Facing...
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ICMLPO: Resolution on the Situation in Syria

The plenary of the ICMLPO, held for the first time in Africa, reaffirms its support for the right of the Syrian people to live under a democratic regime: a regime that guarantees freedom, equality, social justice and dignity, as well as assures the unity and total independence of the country, including the recovery of the Golan Heights occupied by Zionism since 1967. The ICMLPO: 1. Denounces the dangerous development of events in Syria. The popular movement of protest has been transformed into a destructive civil war. The bloodthirsty repression is striking the people, and since the beginning,...
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Anasintaxi 380 (1-31/12/2012)

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Greek Civil Servants To Hold 24-Hour Strike On December 19

ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation) has declared a 24-hour nationalwide strike on December 19. GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers) has declared a 3-hour nationalwide strike on the same day. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strike and has released posters, flyers, etc. to support the struggle of the workers in Greece....
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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Handing the Nobel peace prize to the EU is an insult to the peoples of Europe and the whole world

Communist platform KPml The European Union (EU) is not a peace project. The EU is not a "People's Europe".  The EU is and has always been the Europe of the monopolies. The Norwegian Nobel Committee continues unabated to scandalize the Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel testament to a degree that evokes head-shaking and embarrassment abroad as well as at home. Under the leadership of former Norwegian Labour party leader and current Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, the committee is already guilty of handing the award to the belligerent U.S.  President Obama....
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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Anasintaxi 379 (1-30/11/2012 B)

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Anasintaxi 378 (1-30/11/2012)

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