Workers and labourers of all the countries!
The capitalists and its government continue without
stopping their aggression on the workers and the peoples.
The dismissal and the forced increasing of the
exploitation, the wage cut and the deterioration of the work conditions, the flexible
working and precariousness, the austerity programs and the great injustices increases
the profits the monopolies and worsen the situation of the labourer masses.
Nowadays, poverty affects wide strata of workers that
create all the social wealth and youth unemployment have dramatic consequences,
while a handful of rich people keep getting richer.
The corrupt ruling classes accentuate authoritarian
and bullying governing methods, liquidate the rights and the democratic
freedoms of the workers, repress brutally the worker’s and popular protests, in
order to perpetuate its privileges and power.
The imperialist and capitalist powers are in the path
war, against the interest of working class and the peoples. They are rearming,
they become more aggressive in order to impose their exploitation and
As a result of the economic spoliation and the wars of
pillage, massive migration are proceeding from the poor and oppressed countries
to the richer and dominant ones, that close the borders.
At the same time, the imperialism with its wars and
military aggressions generates the reactionary and fascist terror that is used
to redraw the maps of the entire regions and to maintain the masses into obscurantism.
In this situation, that demonstrate that capitalism is
incompatible with the interest of working class and the peoples, the ICMLPO appeals
to celebrate this May Day reinforcing the unity and class solidarity, creating
in the common struggle the unique front of all the workers against the
offensive of the capital and the political reaction, the politics of
imperialist war and the fascist terror!
We call the working class
to trust in its own enormous force and strengthen its unity and struggle in every
countries and all over the world.
We call to the international solidarity of the
workers, labourers and peoples, to the revolutionary unity of the international
worker’s movement!
Let us extend and intensify the struggle against the
capitalist exploitation and the bosses attacks, facilitated by their opportunist
accomplices, for the uncompromising defence of the political and economic
interests of the working class and its organizations, to overturn on the ruling
classes the consequences of the crisis!
Let us extend and intensify the struggle against the
bourgeois reaction in all its forms, raise the flag of the liberties and the
rights of the working class and the popular masses threatened by the
bourgeoisie, the reactionary and fascist forces!
Let us extend and intensify the struggle against the
robbery war, the imperialist interventions and interferences, the rearmament
and military measures applied by the bourgeois governments!
Let us join and strengthen in every countries the
organizations of the working class against the bourgeoisie, to break the chain
of capitalist-imperialist power and to construct the new society without the
exploitation of man by man.
Long Live May Day, international day of proletarian solidarity!
«Workers of All
Countries, Unite!»
Committee of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and
Organizations (ICMLPO)
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