Friday, December 29, 2006

Anasintaxi issue 239 RELEASED

CONTENTS- Hands off Universities asylumAgainst the privatization of education and the reactionary revision of the ConstitutionOnly the militant UNITY of academics-teachers and mass OCCUPATIONS students-pupils can stop government's reactionary "reformation"- Against the instrumentalization of education Declaration of the XX. International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist Youth Camp See the entire statement here - Giogros Kotzioulas the brave poet of the poor, the Revolution and the National Resistance (50 years from his dea...
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Friday, December 22, 2006

Stalin's 127th birthday anniversary

Georgians carry red flags and portraits of the great Soviet leader Josef Stalin during a rally marking his 127th birthday anniversary in Stalin's home town of Gori.(AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov)...
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Thursday, December 21, 2006


Francisco Caraballo is First Secretary of the Communist Party of Colombia (marxist-leninist) and commander of the glorious People's Army of Liberation or EPL. He was captured in 1994 and has been impprisoned in the high security jail at Itagui outside Medellin. Francisco Caraballo has been re-elected leader of the Party and is also spokesperson for the EPL. Colombia is a bourgeois-pro-imperialist state where the rights of the people are trampled, forcing them to take up arms. The Communist Party of Colombia (marxist-leninist) was formed as a revolutionary party in the July month of 1965 and...
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Friday, December 15, 2006

ICMLPO: Resolution on the Situation in the Middle East

* This article translated in Greek is available on issue 243 of Anasintaxi.The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), meeting in Brazil, at its XIIth Plenary Session, has examined the situation in the Middle East. In the first place, the participants greet the International Conference of Solidarity with the People of Lebanon and other peoples of the region, a conference which is held in Lebanon. The ICMLPO has particularly examined the following points: 1. U.S. imperialism which, together with its English ally, has been occupying Iraq since 2003,...
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Statement of the International Conference of Marxists-Leninist Parties and Organizations to APPO

* The statement translated in Greek is available on issue 242 of Anasintaxi. To the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) Our Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, of Europe, Asia, America and Africa, have followed with attention, solidarity and recognition the heroic struggle of the Mexican people and in particular, the struggle of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca, who have confronted in a determined and consistent way the economic politics of the neo-liberal oppressors of their country and of the State of Oaxaca, headed by the PRI [Institutional Revolutionary...
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Monday, November 20, 2006

Anasintaxi issue 237 RELEASED

CONTENTSZacharidis' Historical LetterThe "Waterloo" of the reactionary "C"PG-New Democracy cooperation in KarditsaComrade Nikos Zachariadis: "Brave Party Leader" ("Rizospastis", 18/5/1945)"Rizospastis"-"Avgi"-Benediction for the beginning of new Session of Greek Parliament: The deputies of ND-PASOK-"G"PG wise and compliable "children" of HristodulosLong Live Great October50 years from the trial of the Khrushchevian revisionists against the Greek communists in Tashkent (part...
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Saturday, November 18, 2006

89th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution

A communist holds a portrait of Soviet leader Josef Stalin as he takes part in the rally dedicated to the 89th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006. (AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavk...
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The Communist Manifesto

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Long Live the Polytechnic uprising of November 1973

Long Live the 33nd anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising of November 1973 against the military Junta (1967-197...
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Monday, November 13, 2006

Anasintaxi issue 236 RELEASED

CONTENTSTeacher's strike ended - Movements continueMunicipal-prefectoral elections:A brief glance in the type of the two big urban parties, the monarch-fascist party of New Democracy and PASOK, in that of the two social-democratic parties, "C"PG-Synaspismos, but also in to the minor Left Organizations shows that all marked "successes" and "increased" their electoral percentage The murder of M. GurniezakisHow did the parties of Oppositions placed toward the murder of the syndicalist M. Gurniezakis from DAKE fascists and what are their heaviest political responsibilitiesOil and rivalry in...
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Anasintaxi issue 235 RELEASED

CONTENTSExtreme and very hazardous development: Government plans prohibition of the demonstrations and abrogation-prohibition of the worker's organizations in "Public Services"Avgustos Bagionas (1931-2005): A farewell to a revolutionary Marxist philosopherThe great teacher's strike continues for the 5th weekLeaders of PAME: From opposing the 5-days strikes to the repeating separate demonstrations upon benefit of the governmentThe "brave kids" of the Khrushchev-Breznief-Gorbatchev faction go the mountain of Grammos to collect votesTestimonies of Ah. Papaioannou kai V. Karagiannis for the...
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Friday, November 03, 2006

Political Accord between the PCT and the PTD

For Revolutionary Unity * This article translated in Greek is available on issue 225 of Anasintaxi.We, the Dominican Workers Party, PTD ML, and Communist Party of Labour, PCT, after several discussions and a long period of relationship in the popular and political struggles, have reached a political accord that we hope will contribute to widening the trench for popular and revolutionary struggle in our country. The content of the accord is as follows: Political Accord 1. We, the Communist Party of Labour (PCT) and the Dominican Workers Party (PTD ML), after several rounds of political...
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Secret documents reveal Stalin was poisoned

* This article translated in Greek is available on issue 223 of Anasintaxi. We State the article only for information and this publication doesn't mean agreement with author's opinion Pravda 29 December 2005 December 21 was the 126th birthday of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Historian and publicist Nikolay Dobryukha says the Kremlin archives contain documented evidence proving that Stalin was poisoned.The discovered documents absolutely disprove all affirmations saying that Stalin died of cerebral hemorrhage caused by his poor health. These documents are the records of Stalin's medical examination...
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Communique of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations against the criminalization of communism

* This article translated in Greek is available on issue 221 of Anasintaxi.From the 25th of January 2006, the parliamentary assembly of the European Council is discussing in plenum a project of resolution called “ the necessity of an international condemnation of the crimes of the totalitarian communist regimes”. This project elaborated by an ultra reactionary group of the European Parliament is a new attempt to criminalize communism. It is not the first one : in May 2005, the European commissar Fantini had tried to forbid the “communist...
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