Friday, March 23, 2007

Tunisia: Attacks against Hamma Hammami and Radhia Nasraoui

Official statement of the Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia (PCOT)Tunisia: Attacks against Hamma Hammami and Radhia NasraouiThe Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia denounces the fact that its spokesperson Hamma Hammami and his wife, the lawyer and member of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Radhia Nasraoui, have been subjected to harsh surveillance and to being followed by the political police. And not only Radhia, but her office is subjected to surveillance 24 hours a day by detachments of the political police. The lawyer is followed everywhere and, just as Hamma,...
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Article to Roter Morgen 1/2007 about student's struggle

In its 1/2007 issue the german newspaper "ROTER MORGEN", published by KPD, hosts an article for the "Movement for the Reorganisation of KKE 1918-55". The article, in German, is available here. We give you an english translation of the biggest part of the article.The reactionary Karamanlis’s government has started the most vicious attack in youth’s rights and the public and free education the last decade. It’s specific aims for the that period is the Article 16 of the Greek Constitution that previsions the public nature of higher education and the Universities asylum.The social-democratic party...
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Announcement of the academics' Union

UNION OF TEACHING AND SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL IN ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKIANNOUNCEMENTThe Union of Teaching and Scientific Personnel of AUTH, given the unjustifiable massive and brutal arrests of dozens of students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, that had been peacefully demonstrating against the legislation reforms in the Highest Education Level, taking part in the education demonstration of Thursday 8-3-2007 in Athens following their student unions' decisions,expresses the solidarity of the academic professors of our University towards their struggling students and especially...
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Norwegian communists will reorganize

Our Movement today recieved the following message from the Marxist-Leninist group Revolution of Norway:Today, on 10 March 2007, the old Maoist party of Norway (AKP) will dissolve itself and merge into a new "broad" party of left Social Democratic character.Some comrades from the communist opposition within the AKP and from the party's student's league, NKS, together with comrades from Revolusjon, have initiated "Communist Platform". Our ambition is to start a process of struggle and unification, as necessary steps on the road towards re-establishing a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in our country.The...
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Anasintaxi issue 243 RELEASED

CONTENTSStrengthen of fascist terrorismThe fighting struggle of student-academics "breaks" the collaboration of government-PASOK for revision of article 16August Bebel and the dreary of the social-democrat A. PaparigaV.I. Lenin (22.4.1870-21.1.1924)A. Brezimenski: Lenin's death ("Rizospastis", 21/1/1934)ICMLPO: Resolution on the Situation in the Middle E...
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