Thursday, October 18, 2007

EMEP: Cross-Border Operation into Iraq is not a Solution; it will Only Antagonise Peoples

18th October 2007 Unfortunately, the dominant powers in Turkey don’t want to evaluate the representatives of Kurds in parliament as a chance for peace. In this context, Parliament voted the motion (507-19) in favour of empowering the government to order the military to cross into Iraq over a one-year period.Before the voting in Parliament PM Erdogan called all people to support the operation and everyone who rejects the operation were accused of supporting the “terrorism”.It’s clear that “military solution” which is dominated by military forces for “suppressing the rebellion” couldn’t be a...
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Greek Democratic Army

Article published in Revolutionary Democracy Vol. XIII, No. 2, September 2007. In the end of spring of 1945, coming back to Greece from the German concentration camp in which he was imprisoned, Nikos Zachariades, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Greece, came across and faced a specific reality. a) A large political, progressive popular movement, predominating in every part of the Greek territory, inspired by the political and ideological principles and the epic of the fighting resistance of the Communist Party of Greece and the National Liberation Front. At the same time, he faced...
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Revolutionary Democracy Vol.XIII, No.2 RELEASED

We would like to inform our readers that the the new issue of Revolutionary Democracy just released with the following contents. Links to most of the articles are also available. Most of the material (and some unpublished stuff) is located in http://www.revolutionarydemocracy.orgRevolutionary DemocracyVol. XIII, No. 2, September 2007Indo-US Nuclear Deal: A Recipe For Blackmail, Nirmalangshu Mukherji POSCO Destroys Rural Families of Jagatsinghpur, Orissa, Dr. N. Bhattacharyya Nutritional Norms and the Measurement of Poverty, Jaya Mehta (9 p.) On the Events in Nandigram, Revolutionary Democracy...
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

It is absolutely correct and acceptable to use the term “Stalinism”

It is absolutely correct and acceptable to use the term “Stalinism”The “Movement for the Reorganisation of KKE 1918-1955”, continuing the ideological and political traditions of the international communist movement in the time of Comintern-Comniform and the revolutionary KKE 1918-1955; in contrast to the Khruschevian revisionism and all the opportunist organisations that invoke Stalin in order to deceive the communists, but at the same time attack him; considers the term “Stalinism” absolutely correct and adopts its use.We believe that the use of the term “Stalinism” as a scientific concept is...
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The victory of the Great October Revolution and the successful construction of socialism

Article scheduled to be published in "Unity & Struggle" issue 15 The victory of the Great October Revolution and the successful construction of socialism – The greatest historical validation and confirmation of Marx’s scientific theory. November of this year will mark the 90th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the greatest event of the 20th century that resulted, for the first time, in the rise of the workers, peasants and soldiers and the establishment of the first proletarian state in human history. All generations in the 20th century solemnly honour the Great...
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