Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Toufan: Condemn the Massacre of the People of Gaza

Condemn the Massacre of the People of Gaza by the Israeli Zionists! On Saturday December 27, 2008, hundreds of Israeli F-16 jetfighters and helicopters invaded Gaza Strip. Hundreds of sites including police stations, residential areas, hospitals, refugee camps, Interior Ministry, higher education centers, and mosques are targeted. According to the available statistics, more than 300 people have been killed and 2000 are wounded. Children, women, elders, and civilians are among dead or injured. The heavy bombardment of Gaza by the Hitlerite army of Israel continues unabated and the...
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Statement of the PC(AP) on the Events in Gaza

Translation found in The Red Republic ( This is a translated statement from Eduardo Artés, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Chile (Proletarian Action) on the bombings of the Gaza Strip and Gaza City by the Israeli Army. All translation errors are my own. The original copy can be found on the PC (AP) website or in La Mochila. The year is almost finished and so no one can forget their criminal nature, the Zionist-fascist government in Israel is conducting a new and vicious crime against the Palestinian people; they are bombarding Gaza City, and the entire...
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Solidarity to Palestine people from Greece

Today, Monday 29 December 2008, the "Intifada" Association along with many left and communist organisations organise a demostration outside the Israel Embassy in Athens at 18:00 (local time) The association send to the press a press release with title "The Israeli state spread death once more". The release can be found in our Greek blog. The "Movement of the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55" participates in the demonstration. Yesterday we translated the communique of the Worker's Communist Party of Tunisia (PCOT) [it ca be found in our Greek blog]...
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Friday, December 12, 2008

14th Plenary of the Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO)

English translation found in The introductionary paragraph is from the blog.The following is a translated statement by the ICMLPO on the current crisis of capitalism, it was originally published in Spanish on Dec. 3, 2008 in the International Section of En Marcha. The ICMLPO calls for the unity of all progressive and revolutionary forces to face capitalism and demand our economic and social rights, which they are slashing as we speak. The Plenary was held in Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana and under moderation by the Communist Party of Labour. All translation errors...
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vive la révolte des jeunes et la lutte des travailleurs de Grèce A bas le gouvernement assassin

L’assassinat le 6 décembre d’un jeune de 15 ans par un policier a déclenché une immense vague de colère dans toute la Grèce. Tous les témoins ont accusé le policier d’avoir tiré sur un groupe de jeunes de sang froid. Seul le gouvernement défend la thèse de la « légitime défense ». Depuis le 6 décembre, les manifestations succèdent aux manifestations dans toutes les villes de Grèce. Les cibles des manifestants, ce sont les forces de l’ordre, qui jouissent d’une totale impunité, les locaux du parti au pouvoir, un parti que les forces de gauche qualifient de monarco-fasciste, les banques, coresponsables...
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Down with the government provocateur and killer of youth

In Greek/English/German/Danish/Norvegian: communication_grendedkno.pdf (application/pdf) COMMUNICATION Athens, 9/12/2008 Down with the government of blood and scandals Down with the government provocateur and killer of youth Down with the fascist murderous violence of the reactionary government of the monarchist-fascist party of Nea Democratia We welcome the spontaneous anti-fascist upheaval and fight of the youth Let's intensify the class struggle against the fascist violence, terrorism and oppression, the struggle against unemployment, hunger and misery The “Movement...
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ned med Karamanlis-regeringen, der er badet i blod og vold

Den græske befolkning koger af  raseri over endnu en afskyelige forbrydelse, begået af statens sikkerhedsstyrker.  Denne gang var ofret en uskyldig 15-årig skoledreng, Alexis Grigoropoulos. Han blev skudt ned med koldt blod af en politibetjent i Exarchia-distriktet i centrum af Athen. Den tragiske hændelse fandt sted lørdag aften, den 6. december ved ni-tiden, hvor to politifolk, der patruljerer i området,  kom i konfrontation med en gruppe unge. Efter deres anholdelse hævdede politifolkene,  at de blev overfaldet og tvunget til at affyre varselsskud i selvforsvar. ...
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A bas le gouvernement du sang et de la violence

Athène, 8 décembre 2008 Le peuple grec est plein de colère car les forces de police de l’Etat ont commis un nouveau crime abject. Cette fois, la victime est un jeune lycéen  innocent de 15 ans, Alexis Grigoropoulos, tué de sang froid par un officier policier du district d’Exarchia, au centre d’Athènes. Ce tragique événement a eu lieu samedi soir, 6 décembre, vers 9 du soir, quand deux officiers de police qui patrouillaient dans la région s’en sont pris à un groupe de jeunes. Après leur arrestation, les policiers ont prétendu avoir été attaqués et qu’ils avaient été obligés de faire feu...
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La profonda crisi che ha colpito il sistema capitalistico viene fatta pagare dalla borghesia ai proletari e alle masse popolari. I padroni vogliono che le masse popolari si rassegnino a subire in silenzio. Quando i proletari  si ribellano alla prospettiva della miseria e dello sfruttamento la borghesia ricorre alla repressione e all'assassinio legalizzato. E' la storia della repressione che ha insanguinato le piazze dell'Italia "democratica" negli ultimi 60 anni, è quanto sta accadendo in Grecia con il brutale assassinio di ANDREAS GRIGOROPOULOS, di 15 anni. Ma stanno trovando pane...
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Down with the government of blood and violence!

Athens, 8 December 2008 The Greek people are burning with rage as the security forces of the state committed another despicable crime. This time the victim was an innocent 15-year old schoolboy, Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was shot in cold blood by a police officer in Exarchia district, in the centre of Athens. The tragic event took place on Saturday evening, 6th of December, around 9 pm when two police officers patrolling in the region engaged in altercation with the group of youths. Following their arrest, the policemen claimed that they were attacked and had to fire warning shots as a means...
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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Antonis Vratsanos (1919-2008)

Comrade Antonis Vratsanos (Aggeloulis) was born in 1919 in Larisa.Vratsanos joined the Greek Resistance against the Italo-German occupation and became a saboteur in the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS), the military branch of the National Liberation Front. In ELAS he had rank of second lieutenant. Antonis Vratsanos and his sabotage squad (Olympus), with their operations made against the enemy's trains and other means of transport, railway lines and bridges, caused great damage to the conquerors.A very comprehensive review of his resistance action includes:1. Approximately 48,900 meters of...
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Farewell of Vasilis Papasotiriou to the legendary saboteur of Olympus Antonis Vratsanos

26 November 2008 My dear comrade and beloved friend Antonis, Forced to stay in bed these days, I bid you the last farewell from afar. At this moment of silence, the mountain peaks of Kissavos and Olympus, Siniatsikos and Pieria, Grammos and Vitsi, your favorite straights of the Tempi valley, bid you, the legendary saboteur of Olympus of ELAS and DSE, farewell. The thousands of partisans of ELAS and DSE, the two hundred communists of Kessariani, the tens of exiles in Siberia and the many thousands of Greek communists from Tashkent and other People’s Republics who rose against Krushchevian...
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Friday, November 28, 2008

Antonis Vratsanos the legendary saboteur of ELAS-DSE, revolutionary communist and an opponent of Krushchevian revisionism, passed away.

On Tuesday, on 25th of November, at 9:30 pm, Antonis Vratsanos the legendary saboteur of the National Liberation People’s Army (ELAS) and the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE), revolutionary communist and an opponent of Krushchevian revisionism, died in an Athens clinic. Comrade Antonis Vratsanos was born in Larisa in 1919 and he took part in the war against the Italian invaders in 1940 as a second lieutenant. His most important achievement as a revolutionary and member of the National Resistance was the blasting, on February of 1944, of a German train, full of soldiers and officers, on their...
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Monday, November 24, 2008


By D. N. Pritt K.C., M.P. The trial of Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yefdokimov, Bakaief, and twelve other persons accused of participation in terrorist conspiracies against the Government of the Soviet Union, which was held in Moscow in the latter part of August 1936, resulting in all the accused being sentenced to death and executed, has given rise to a good deal of criticism in Great Britain. Some of this criticism was frankly unscrupulous, and a great deal of it was based on unjustified assumptions that the Soviet authorities had been guilty of any and every abuse; but much of it was made in good...
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