Condemn the Massacre of the People of Gaza by the Israeli Zionists!
On Saturday December 27, 2008, hundreds of Israeli F-16 jetfighters and helicopters invaded Gaza Strip.
Hundreds of sites including police stations, residential areas, hospitals, refugee camps, Interior Ministry,
higher education centers, and mosques are targeted. According to the available statistics, more than 300
people have been killed and 2000 are wounded. Children, women, elders, and civilians are among dead or
injured. The heavy bombardment of Gaza by the Hitlerite army of Israel continues unabated and the
number of dead or injured is increasing hourly.
The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) strongly condemns the barbaric Israeli aggression against the people
of Gaza.
The Israeli criminals claim that their aggression is a response to Hamas' rocket fire at the Israeli towns. This
claim is not worth a penny. The hand-made missiles in Gaza, each with a few kilograms of primitive
explosives, have neither the power to do substantial damage to Israeli towns nor the range to hit the Israeli
strategic positions. The fact is that the Israeli rulers cannot live without occupation of Palestine, without the
expansionist policies, or without the oppression of the people of the region. Aggression and enmity with
Arabs are in the nature of Zionism. For six decades, the Israeli rulers have used similar excuses to massacre
the people of Palestine.
The recent Israeli aggression is neither the first nor will be the last aggression against the Palestinian
people. As long as racism and Zionism have grip on Israel, the killing, massacre, and genocide of the
people of Palestine will continue.
The six-month cease-fire in Gaza was expired a week ago. The Zionist government of Israel violated the
cease-fire many times. For more than three years, Gaza has been under tight blockade by air, sea and land.
One and a half million Palestinian people in Gaza have been faced with shortage of food, fuel, medicine
and other basic necessities. In this situation, the Israeli government "wants" cease-fire with Palestinians, a
ceasefire in which one side has to be destroyed in order to satisfy the expansionist and criminal goals of the
other side.
The criminal Israeli gangs have taken their barbarism to an unprecedented level; the more oppression or
killing of the Palestinian people, the higher chance of winning the elections!
The Israeli governments would not have been able to carry out or sustain their aggressions without
financial and military assistance from the US imperialists. The US administrations have always
encouraged, instigated, and backed the Israeli wars against the people of the Middle East.
The recent Israeli aggression in Gaza has been carried out at the time when the US imperialists have been
defeated in the Middle East, and are facing deep economic crisis and public dissatisfaction. In this situation,
the extension of the war to other areas of the Middle East has alarmed the entire humanity, particularly the
people of region. The western imperialists headed by the US, together with the Israeli Zionists, do not stop
short of committing horrendous crimes against the people who fight for their freedom, independence and
national sovereignty.
The barbarism of the blood thirsty rulers of Israel has not left without response. People of many countries
have expressed their disgust and anger for the Israeli butchers. Activists in the US, Canada, Germany,
France, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Israel, England, Syria, and many other countries have
demonstrated in solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza. We must mobilize the people to continue,
expand, and intensify the protest actions.
Once again, the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) condemns the brutal Israeli aggression against the people
of Gaza. We call on all freedom loving people to raise their voice against the destruction and killing in
Gaza. The destruction and killing in Gaza must stop immediately and the blockade must be ended.
The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan), Foreign Office
December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Toufan: Condemn the Massacre of the People of Gaza
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Statement of the PC(AP) on the Events in Gaza
Translation found in The Red Republic (
This is a translated statement from Eduardo Artés, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Chile (Proletarian Action) on the bombings of the Gaza Strip and Gaza City by the Israeli Army. All translation errors are my own. The original copy can be found on the PC (AP) website or in La Mochila.
The year is almost finished and so no one can forget their criminal nature, the Zionist-fascist government in Israel is conducting a new and vicious crime against the Palestinian people; they are bombarding Gaza City, and the entire Gaza Strip. American-made Israeli fighters have sown death and mass destruction, there is talk of more than 170 dead and nearly 400 injured. The Israelis did not threaten to stop until they have reached their goal. But what is this goal, to annihilate the heroic Palestinian people?
The current bullying and criminal action is just months after having seiged Gaza, leaving it without drinking water, electricity, food and medicine. This situation obligated the government in Chile to send recently, medicine and medical equipment.
The Zionist criminals believe through their killings they will place a dignified and patriotic people on their knees, a people who are only demanding their sovereignty and freedom.
The Israeli Zionist Army, which practices state-terrorism, does not act alone or without the permission of U.S. Imperialism and without the support and blessing of the Pentagon, We must unmask them, denounce and combat American imperialism.
The Democrats, Communists and revolutionaries around the world must immediately place in the center the defense of the lives of the Palestinian people, we must quickly come up with concrete actions, In the Communist Party (Proletarian Action), PC (AP), we are already preparing ourselves for the measures needed to fulfill our internationalist solidarity and human duties.
Stop the genocide against the Palestinian people!
Today we are all Palestinians!
Eduardo Artés: Presidential Candidate from the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) --
Monday, December 29, 2008
Solidarity to Palestine people from Greece
Today, Monday 29 December 2008, the "Intifada" Association along with many left and communist organisations organise a demostration outside the Israel Embassy in Athens at 18:00 (local time)
The association send to the press a press release with title "The Israeli state spread death once more". The release can be found in our Greek blog.
The "Movement of the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55" participates in the demonstration. Yesterday we translated the communique of the Worker's Communist Party of Tunisia (PCOT) [it ca be found in our Greek blog] and released in the press. We are planning to do the same today with the communiqué of the Worker's Communist Party of France (PCOF).
Long live the international solidarity!
Friday, December 12, 2008
14th Plenary of the Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO)
The following is a translated statement by the ICMLPO on the current crisis of capitalism, it was originally published in Spanish on Dec. 3, 2008 in the International Section of En Marcha. The ICMLPO calls for the unity of all progressive and revolutionary forces to face capitalism and demand our economic and social rights, which they are slashing as we speak. The Plenary was held in Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana and under moderation by the Communist Party of Labour. All translation errors are my own.
In the Dominican Republic and under the responsibility of the PCT, on November 14, 2008; the Plenary of the ICMLPO took place.
In an environment of camaraderie and openness important conclusions and resolutions were developed.
The discussions put emphasis on the treatment of the current crisis of capitalism and imperialism. The participating parties and organizations expressed their concerns on the issue and exchanged views. The Conference concluded by noting the existence of significant levels of unity in the analysis of the crisis and also recorded some differences of assessment with regard to some secondary problems.
For our parties it is clear that the extent and depth of the crisis will be prolonged and that the forces of the monopolists and imperialists to quickly resolve it will demand considerable time and resources.
We believe the crisis will hit the workers and the peoples hard, but simultaneously creates much more favorable conditions for organization and the struggle for the working class, peasant, and youth and creates a new challenge for the proletarian revolutionaries, who must work hard to use the conditions generated by the crisis to advance the revolutionary process.
The conference adopted a declaration on the crisis that we must agitate in the struggle against its effects. The conference designated a part of its work to analyze the experiences of our parties in the organization of the youth in the perspective on the Revolution.
Our Parties are actively involved in the task of organizing the working-class youth and the people to be victorious in bringing the larger sections of the masses to win The Revolution; in this task we face the anti-communist offensive of the bourgeoisie and international imperialism, and the reformist positions of Social Democracy which must be unmasked and cornered by revolutionary positions.
We welcome the congresses of our sister parties in Mexico, Brazil, and Turkey. To balance the work of the Conference, and the parties we registered important advances to progress the ideological, political, and organizational characteristics. We affirmed the internationalism of our parties, the need for cooperation and mutual support, duties, responsibilities and rights in the face of the Conference.
Statement of the International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organizations on the current crisis of capitalism in its imperialist phase
When the tragic events occurred; characterized by the collapse of the former socialist bloc countries in Eastern Europe, led by the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the spokesmen of imperialism and reaction sang victory everywhere, once more they sang the "Requiem" to the doctrine of Marxism; declared that the revolution was a thing of the past, that humanity had reached the "end of history" that capitalism was able to exist, develop without difficulty and it was a eternal social order.
There was no need to wait much longer for the essential falsity of all this confusion and lying. The dynamics of the bourgeois system itself has been responsible for its burial. From this moment, crises and conflicts took place unabated: 1993, 1997, 2001, 2003 accompanied with the stagnation in the European and Japanese economy, leading to the current crisis that expressed all the accumulated problems earlier.
Bourgeois economists have recognized that the current crisis can be compared to that which occurred in 1929. A feature of this crisis, which distinguishes it from the previous one, is that it has been generated in the United States, and from here is spreading to all parts of the world. It is a crisis of grand dimensions expressed initially in the area of circulation and finance, but that originated in the productive economy. This is a crisis of over-production that accumulates on large stock of goods that cannot be realized due to the lack of money in the hands of the working class and people in general, it is limited in the extreme degree to consumer goods and services that capitalist system produces in an anarchist fashion.
In a short time we have seen the economies of the United States, England, Germany and other powers experience negative growth, including in industrial production. All of this reduces the chances of capitalism to cushion the effects of the crisis as it did before. In 2001 they were able to resolve the crisis with financial measures, which are not possible today.
We affirm that the crisis will be prolonged and deepened; no country will be outside of its effects, despite short-term developments. This crisis stems from the intensification of irresolvable contradictions of capitalism: anarchy in production, competition and the social character of production with private accumulation of wealth. This crisis demonstrates the failure of neoliberal politics. This crisis included the crisis of real estate, energy, food and environmental which contributed to its deepening effects.
Economic, Political and Social Consequences
Monopolists seek to transfer the brunt of the crisis on workers of all countries, peoples and dependent nations. The fundamental contradictions (capital-labor, imperialism-the people, international monopolists and international imperialist) of the capitalist system and its imperialist aggression is increasingly deepened.
Despite significant financial support from public funds by the imperialist states, big banks and financial institutions are bankrupt, large and medium industrial enterprises are closed upon, mergers of banks and new businesses occur for the benefit of a few monopolists at the expense of others. The crisis hurts the workers: hundreds of thousands of workers are being thrown to the streets in all countries, in the U.S. this year more than 2 million workers have been fired; wages slashed, social rights and achievements cut, if not eliminated.
The crisis demonstrates once again that development and social progress of the people under capitalism is not possible and also shows that the liberation of the working class and the people can only be achieved by Socialist Revolution.
The Struggle
As Marxist-Leninist Communists, we proclaim our condemnation of those responsible, and the beneficiaries of the crisis: the imperialists and monopolists, who are mostly Americans. We condemn the policy of transferring the crisis to the workers and because of the consequences we are struggling to make the monopolists and the rich pay.
We call on the workers to form a large front against layoffs and cutbacks and union busting. We demand increased wages and salaries. It is necessary to achieve the great unity of the people against imperialism in opposition to the payment of foreign debt, and the privatization of fundamental services.
We call for the unity of the democratic, patriotic, and revolutionary left forces to face this crisis.
Only the fight will give us what capitalism and imperialism seek to deny us.
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
November 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Vive la révolte des jeunes et la lutte des travailleurs de Grèce A bas le gouvernement assassin
L’assassinat le 6 décembre d’un jeune de 15 ans par un policier a déclenché une immense vague de colère dans toute la Grèce. Tous les témoins ont accusé le policier d’avoir tiré sur un groupe de jeunes de sang froid. Seul le gouvernement défend la thèse de la « légitime défense ».
Depuis le 6 décembre, les manifestations succèdent aux manifestations dans toutes les villes de Grèce. Les cibles des manifestants, ce sont les forces de l’ordre, qui jouissent d’une totale impunité, les locaux du parti au pouvoir, un parti que les forces de gauche qualifient de monarco-fasciste, les banques, coresponsables de la crise… qui viennent d’empocher 28 milliards d’euros du gouvernement.
Le gouvernement « couvre » sa police qui n’a jamais été débarrassée des hommes et des méthodes fascistes de la dictature des colonels. C’est à coup de gaz lacrymogènes, de balles en plastique, de charges et d’arrestations sauvages que la police veut briser la mobilisation. Celle-ci ne faiblit pas. Jeunes, travailleurs, parents, enseignants se retrouvent coude à coude pour dénoncer la violence policière, le gouvernement qui les traite « d’ennemis de la démocratie » !
Les colères sociales n’ont cessé de s’exprimer et de s’accumuler ces dernières années. Les étudiants ont massivement combattu la réforme de l’université qui appliquait les orientations de la directive européenne dite de Lisbonne, qui démantèle dans tous les pays de l’UE l’université publique au profit des universités privées, qui liquide la gratuité de l’enseignement et qui impose la présence des patrons dans les organes de direction des universités. Les étudiants se sont heurtés aux policiers matraqueurs. Cela rappelle les mobilisations contre la LRU.
Il y a quelques semaines, ce sont les prisonniers qui se révoltaient contre les conditions inhumaines dans lesquelles ils sont entassés dans les prisons que la politique répressive du gouvernement ne cesse de remplir.
Les travailleurs, les paysans se battent contre la politique néolibérale qui a fait exploser les chiffres du chômage et qui liquide les paysans. Les syndicats avaient appelé le 10 décembre à une journée de grève générale, avant l’éclatement de la révolte des jeunes, pour dénoncer la politique de privatisation, la réforme des retraites, et pour exiger une hausse des salaires. Cette grève a été largement suivie et elle a permis une liaison entre le mouvement de la jeunesse et celui des travailleurs.
La révolte de la jeunesse de Grèce est suivie avec une très grande sympathie par les jeunes des autres pays qui se reconnaissent dans son combat.
Nous exprimons notre totale solidarité avec les jeunes, les travailleurs, le peuple de Grèce qui affrontent un régime réactionnaire, néolibéral.
Nous soutenons l’exigence de démission de ce gouvernement réactionnaire et nous appelons toutes les forces de gauche à s’unir pour soutenir ce mouvement et pour proposer une politique de rupture avec le néolibéralisme, une politique en faveur des jeunes, des travailleurs, des paysans, des couches populaires durement touchés par les conséquences de la crise.
Nous condamnons le silence des gouvernements et des instances européennes qui cautionnent la politique de répression du gouvernement grec.
Nous appelons à exprimer la solidarité avec le mouvement des jeunes, le mouvement syndical, le mouvement populaire de Grèce.
Paris, 10 décembre 2008
Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France
Down with the government provocateur and killer of youth
In Greek/English/German/Danish/Norvegian: communication_grendedkno.pdf (application/pdf)
Athens, 9/12/2008
Down with the government of blood and scandals
Down with the government provocateur and killer of youth
Down with the fascist murderous violence of the reactionary government of the monarchist-fascist party of Nea Democratia
We welcome the spontaneous anti-fascist upheaval and fight of the youth
Let's intensify the class struggle against the fascist violence, terrorism and oppression, the struggle against unemployment, hunger and misery
The “Movement for the Reorganization of KKE 1918-55” denounces to the youth, the working class and the entire Greek people the cold-blooded murder of the young pupil Alexis Grigoropoulos and condemns, in the strongest and most decisive manner, the reactionary government Karamanlis, as the cold-blood killer. A murder which is the culmination of the government's policy of the most extreme fascistisation of the reactionary bourgeois state and social life; starting from the well known aphorism «officer, the state is you», the notorious «restoration of the state» i.e. the restoration of the state of the monarchist-fascist Right (staffed, now, by fascists of New Demokratia and the Nazis of “Golden Dawn”-LA.OS, etc.), the “praetores urbanis”, the allusion of the ridiculous individual called Polydoras (the former Minister for Public Order) to the police force and the beating of unprecedented brutality of the Cypriot student in Thessaloniki, the torture of foreigners in police stations and many other cases of fascist violence and police terror, up to the heinous murder of the young pupil and the hypocritical resignations of the, also ridiculous, rambling and petty professor P. Pavlopoulos and the fascist threats by Karamanlis posing a la Duche , after his visit to the President.
It also condemns the brutal, fascist attacks by police using tear gas and clubs against pupils, students and other demonstrators and the large scale use of plastic bullets that resulted in the injury of many people who had to be transferred to hospitals, among them a journalist. In addition, it condemns the provocative presence of the riot police (MAT) in the cemetery, even during the funeral of the young pupil, with a mission to "fire at terrorists".
The cold-blooded murder – in the absence of any prior incidents, clashes or demonstrations - highlights the fact that the fascistisation of the society has reached its apogee; the strengthening of the police rule and the increase of the fascist murderous violence has gone too far, cause the justifiable anger and indignation of the entire student youth and lead thousands of students to a militant rebellion in tens of cities. Police stations and banks are their major symbolic targets: the former as symbols of fascist oppression and police terror, and the latter as symbols of exploitation (a 28 billion Euros "dowry" was given to them according to a recent government decision), the pillars of large capital, responsible for the mass unemployment, poverty and misery that great part of the population experiences.
The reactionary government of the monarchist-fascist party of Nea Democratia realizes that constantly loses ground among the people – a fact reflected in the polls – and tries desperately to regain some momentum by resorting to fascist violence; on the occasion of the cold-blooded murder of the 15-year-old pupil it behaved as a common provocateur seeking politically:
first, to distract attention from the big scandal involving the Vatopedi monastery
second, to overcome the deep crisis that Nea Demokratia party is in.
third, to demonstrate that it follows a policy of strong repression and brute force in view of the major upsurge of popular struggle and the additional problems caused by the international financial crisis, openly flirting with the idea of fascist deviation (the declaration of state of emergence has already been mentioned).
fourth, not having, amidst a period of deep economic crisis, offered even a single euro to the lower-middle classes which are ruined by the extreme neo-liberal economic policy, to attempt to win them back by providing them «peace, order and security», from the so-called demonstrators «terrorism»; that’s why it has employed the coordinated action of the hooded plain clothes policemen for the en masse devastation of shops (it is typical, in this regard, that all cultural institutions remain completely unprotected)
fifth, to extort the opposition parties’ consent, succeeding up to a certain extent. The more extreme case is the Social-Democrat leader of “K”KE A. Papariga who, instead of condemning the government as a murderer, blamed SYRIZA for “encouraging the hooded rioters”: “the leadership of SYRIZA should stop encouraging the hooded rioters” (statement after the meeting with Karamanlis, 9.12.2008), proving, once again, that she is the most infamous lackey of capital and backer of Karamanlis and the monarchist-fascist Right.
The student and working youth, the working class and the peasants must intensify their fight against terrorism, the police violence and also the policy of fascistisation and defend their class interests by refusing the burden of crisis to be placed on them.
We urge the Greek people to participate in all rallies and demonstrations in the following days.
Movement for the Reorganization of KKE 1918-55
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Ned med Karamanlis-regeringen, der er badet i blod og vold
Den græske befolkning koger af raseri over endnu en afskyelige forbrydelse, begået af statens sikkerhedsstyrker. Denne gang var ofret en uskyldig 15-årig skoledreng, Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Han blev skudt ned med koldt blod af en politibetjent i Exarchia-distriktet i centrum af Athen.
Den tragiske hændelse fandt sted lørdag aften, den 6. december ved ni-tiden, hvor to politifolk, der patruljerer i området, kom i konfrontation med en gruppe unge. Efter deres anholdelse hævdede politifolkene, at de blev overfaldet og tvunget til at affyre varselsskud i selvforsvar.
Imidlertid var der ifølge mange øjenvidner ingen voldsepisodefør det øjeblik, hvor de to politibetjente nærmede sig de unge og begyndte at overfuse dem med grove tilråb. På dette tidspunkt trak en af betjentene sin pistol frem og skød mod gruppen. Kuglen ramte Alexis direkte i brystet og dræbte ham øjeblikkeligt.
Regeringen og det regerende monarko-fascistiske parti Nyt Demokrati er direkte og fuldt ud ansvarlig for mordet på den uskyldige dreng..
Det er den reaktionære Karamanlis-regering, der har bemyndiget politiet til at udøve vilkårlig brug af magt imod indvandrere, demonstrerende studerende, lærere, arbejdere, og endog civile, der ikke kan mistænkes for noget som helst.
Nyheden om mordet på Alexis udløste et voldsomt udbrud af harme over hele landet.
Søndag og mandag protesterede tusindvis af vrede mennesker i Athen, Thessaloniki, Patra, Heraklion og andre byer imod en regering, der er badet i blod og vold
I mange tilfælde stødte demonstranter sammen med politiet, og i Athen fortsatte sammenstødene til sent søndag aften. (Nye uroligheder udviklede sig mandag og i forbindelse med begravelsen af Alexis tirsdag, kpnet)
Hvor alvorlige optøjerne har været ses udfra den bulletin, brandvæsenet skrev og mandag morgen, hvor man meddelte, at bl.a. følgende skader var forårsaget af oprøret indtil midnat søndag:
Athen 6. december
I Athen: Afbrænding af 24 banker, 35 butikker, 22 biler, 12 boliger, 63 skraldebeholdere, 7 bus stoppesteder og hærværk mod Nyt Demokrati´s lokale organisations kontor.
I Patras: En bank, en politi-patrulje bil, fire biler, et køretøj tilhørende præfekturet, 14 affaldscontainere og en politiparkeringsplads
I Thessaloniki: 9 banker, et pressekontor for myndighederne, 7 biler, 40 skraldebeholdere, Aristoteles-universitetets kantine, Nyt Demokratis lokale partikontor og tre metrobyggepladser
I Heraklion, Kreta: To banker og fire affaldscontainere
I Chania: en præfekturs bil og 8 skraldebeholdere
I Kavala: Et lokalt kontor for ND og politiets paskontor
I Chryssoupolis: En grænsevagtpost.
Væbnet politi mod demonstranter
Brandvæsenet præciserer, at ovennævnte skader hovedsageligt blev forårsaget af molotovcocktails, og at denne skadesrapport ikke omfatter ødelæggelser, forårsaget af kasteskyts i form af sten, træ, marmor og andre genstande under optøjerne Athen.
Athen 8. december 2008
A bas le gouvernement du sang et de la violence
Athène, 8 décembre 2008
Le peuple grec est plein de colère car les forces de police de l’Etat ont commis un nouveau crime abject. Cette fois, la victime est un jeune lycéen innocent de 15 ans, Alexis Grigoropoulos, tué de sang froid par un officier policier du district d’Exarchia, au centre d’Athènes.
Ce tragique événement a eu lieu samedi soir, 6 décembre, vers 9 du soir, quand deux officiers de police qui patrouillaient dans la région s’en sont pris à un groupe de jeunes. Après leur arrestation, les policiers ont prétendu avoir été attaqués et qu’ils avaient été obligés de faire feu pour se protéger. Selon plusieurs témoins, il n’y a eu aucune violence avant que les policiers ne s’approchent des enfants et qu’ils se mettent à les injurier. A ce moment-là, un des policiers a sorti son arme et a tiré
vers le groupe. La balle a touché Alexis, à la poitrine, le tuant sur le champ. Le gouvernement du parti monarchiste et fasciste « Nea Demokratia », est directement et entièrement responsable du meurtre ce cet enfant innocent. C’est le gouvernement réactionnaire de Karamanlis qui a autorisé la police à faire un usage indiscriminé de la violence contre les immigrés, les étudiants qui manifestent, les enseignants, les travailleurs et même de simples citoyens. La nouvelle de la mort d’Alexis a provoqué
l’explosion de colère dans tout le pays. Le dimanche et le lundi, des milliers de personnes ont manifesté avec beaucoup de détermination à Athènes, Thessalonique, Petra, Héraklion et d’autres villes, contre le gouvernement du sang et de la violence.
Dans plusieurs villes, les manifestants se sont affrontés avec la police et à Athènes, les affrontements se sont prolongés jusqu'à dimanche soir.
Voici quelques éléments qui donnent une idée de l’ampleur des affrontements.
Dans un bulletin paru lundi matin, la brigade des pompiers annonçait que les dégâts occasionnés par les émeutes enregistrés jusqu’à dimanche soir étaient les suivants : à Athènes, 24 banques ont été incendiées, 35 magasins, 22 voitures, 12 habitations, 63 poubelles, 7 stations de bus, ainsi qu’un office d’une organisation locale du parti au pouvoir « nouvelle démocratie ». A Pétra, une banque, une voiture de patrouille de la police, quatre voitures, un véhicule de la préfecture d’Achaia, 14 poubelles et un
parking de la police ; à Thessalonique, 9 banques, l’office de presse du ministère de la Macédoine et de la Thrace, 7 voitures, 40 poubelles, la cantine de l’université d’Arestotelion, un local du parti Nea Domkratia et trois chantiers du métro, à Heraklion, en Crète, deux banques et 4 poubelles, à Chania, une voiture de la préfecture et 8 poubelles ; à Kavala, un local du parti au pouvoir, une poubelle et le local de la police qui délivre les passeports ; à Chryssoupolis, un poste de police de quartier.
La brigade des pompiers a expliqué que les dégâts ont été principalement commis à l’aide de cocktail momotov et que la liste ne comprend pas les dégâts causés par des jets de pierre, de morceaux de bois, de marbre, etc. contre d’autres édifices.
Mouvement pour la réorganisation du Parti Communiste de Grèce, 1918-55
La profonda crisi che ha colpito il sistema capitalistico viene fatta pagare dalla borghesia ai proletari e alle masse popolari.
I padroni vogliono che le masse popolari si rassegnino a subire in silenzio.
Quando i proletari si ribellano alla prospettiva della miseria e dello sfruttamento la borghesia ricorre alla repressione e all'assassinio legalizzato.
E' la storia della repressione che ha insanguinato le piazze dell'Italia "democratica" negli ultimi 60 anni, è quanto sta accadendo in Grecia con il brutale assassinio di ANDREAS GRIGOROPOULOS, di 15 anni.
Ma stanno trovando pane per i loro denti!
Portiamo in piazza assieme alla condanna del governo reazionario di Berlusconi anche quella del suo omologo Karamanlis!
Prima saranno cacciati per le loro malefatte, meglio sarà per i nostri popoli!
Il migliore omaggio che si possa fare ad un compagno caduto è quello di dare gambe solide
e un percorso vincente alla lotta affinché il cambiamento sociale possa affermarsi!
Per cambiare non bastano le idee se non si ha l'organizzazione che lotta per realizzarle.
Ecco perchè ci battiamo per la ricostruzione del partito comunista!
(ITALIA)Down with the government of blood and violence!
Athens, 8 December 2008
The Greek people are burning with rage as the security forces of the state committed another despicable crime. This time the victim was an innocent 15-year old schoolboy, Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was shot in cold blood by a police officer in Exarchia district, in the centre of Athens. The tragic event took place on Saturday evening, 6th of December, around 9 pm when two police officers patrolling in the region engaged in altercation with the group of youths. Following their arrest, the policemen claimed that they were attacked and had to fire warning shots as a means of self-defense. However, according to many eye witnesses, there was no violent episode before the moment when the two police men approached the children and started swearing very crudely at them. Then, one of the officers pulled out his gun and fired against the group. The bullet struck Alexis, directly on the chest, killing him instantly. The government of the monarchist-fascist party of Nea Demokratia is directly and fully responsible for the murder of the innocent child. It is the reactionary Karamanlis government that has authorized the police to make indiscriminate use of force against immigrants, demonstrating students, teachers, workers and even unsuspected civilians. The news of Alexis’ murder caused a burst of outrage throughout the country. On Sunday and Monday thousands of people passionately protested in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Heraklion and other cities against the government of blood and violence. In many cases, the demonstrators clashed with the police and in Athens the riots continued until late on Sunday evening.
The seriousness of the riots is indicative by the following. The Fire Brigade, in a bulletin issued on Monday morning, announced that the damage caused in the rioting, up until midnight Sunday, included: in Athens, the burning of 24 banks, 35 shops, 22 cars, 12 homes, 63 trash receptacles, 7 bus stops and a ruling New Democracy local organisation office; in Patras, a bank, a police patrol car, four cars, a vehicle belonging to the Achaia prefectural authority, 14 dumpsters and a police parking log; in Thessaloniki, 9 banks, the Macedonia-Thrace ministry's press office, 7 cars, 40 dumpsters, the Aristotelion University's canteen, an Nea Demokratia local organisation office, and three Metro construction sites; in Heraklion, Crete, two banks and four trash bins; in Chania, a prefectural car and 8 dumpsters; in Kavala, an ND local office, a trash receptacle and the passport office at the police directorate; and in Chryssoupolis, a border guard post. The Fire Brigade clarified that the above damages were incurred chiefly by molotov cocktails, and the damage listed did not include destruction caused by rocks, wood, marble and other items thrown at targets during the riots.
Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Antonis Vratsanos (1919-2008)

A very comprehensive review of his resistance action includes:
1. Approximately 48,900 meters of blasted bridges.
2. Blasting of 36 railway bridges.
3. Blasting of 47 railway facilities.
4. Destruction of 20 trains.
5. Destruction of 12 locomotives.
6. 3,066 enemy casualties.
7. Stop traffic for 1,324 hours.
His most important achievement as a revolutionary and member of the National Resistance was the blasting, on February of 1944, of a German train, full of soldiers and officers, on their way to the Eastern front. This single heroic act cost Wehrmacht 450 dead, including 150 officers and a general with all his staff. This action is considered as one of the biggest sabotages in Europe, against the German occupation.
After the end of World War II, he followed the Communist party’s directions and joined the Democratic Army of Greece, where he continued his action as saboteur against the Anglo-American imperialists and the Greek monarch-fascists.
Following the retreat of the Democratic Army, he went to Tashkent and later to Romania, where he lived for 33 years. He remained an adversary of Khrushchevian revisionism and adherent of the revolutionary line of Stalin and Zachariades until the end of his life. He defended Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism against the treacherous counterrevolutionary current of Khrushchev-Brezhnev-Gorbatschev and their Greek collaborators Kologiannis-Florakis-etc. In Romania the revisionists asked him to hand them important documents he was holding since the end of the World War II and he denied. He spent two years in jail in Bucharest for this attitude. He was set free because the revisionists were afraid of the reactions of the Greek communists, since his name was a legend among the communists and the Greek people.
In December 1991 he participated in the committee of communists, members of the heroic KKE 1918-55, with Dimitris Vissios, Vassilis Aspridis and Petros Touloudis, which organised the funeral of Nikos Zachariadis in Athens, whom the revisionist clique of Brezhnev-Florakis murdered in Surgut, Siberia after 17 years of exile in 1973 and his body was send to Greece after 18 more years. This ruined the fiesta the local revisionists Papariga-Florakis tried to organise by presenting Zachariadis as their comrade.
In 1997 he led an action with more than a hundred former partisans of the Democratic Army and members of KKE 1918-55 in establishing the “Pan-Hellenic Union of Partisans and Friends of the Democratic Army”, which defended the revolutionary line of the KKE in 1946-1949 and Nikos Zachariadis. After the fall of the military Junta in 1974 none of the revisionist parties took similar actions for the Democratic Army, although unions of of Greek Resistance fighters, political refugees and exiles to remote Greek islands were established since the early ’80s.
On February 28 2007, he was awarded by the President of the HellenicRepublic, Karolos Papoulias "Senior Commander of the Order of Honor" for his action of resistance against foreign occupation troops in the years 1941-44.
He died on Tuesday, on 25th of November, at 9:30 pm in Athens, never treating his beliefs and values. He stood till his death a great revolutionary communist.
The Political Committee of the Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Farewell of Vasilis Papasotiriou to the legendary saboteur of Olympus Antonis Vratsanos
26 November 2008
My dear comrade and beloved friend Antonis,
Forced to stay in bed these days, I bid you the last farewell from afar.
At this moment of silence, the mountain peaks of Kissavos and Olympus, Siniatsikos and Pieria, Grammos and Vitsi, your favorite straights of the Tempi valley, bid you, the legendary saboteur of Olympus of ELAS and DSE, farewell.
The thousands of partisans of ELAS and DSE, the two hundred communists of Kessariani, the tens of exiles in Siberia and the many thousands of Greek communists from Tashkent and other People’s Republics who rose against Krushchevian revisionism, bid you farewell.
Fellow-fighter Antonis Vratsanos.
- We found ourselves together in the trenches of the Greek-Italian war against the Italian fascist invaders following the call to arms made in the historic letter of Nikos Zachariadis, the country’s chief partisan and architect of the epic National Resistance.
- We were together in the trenches of EAM-ELAS fighting, under the guidance of KKE, against the Italian, German and Bulgarian occupiers and, then, against the English imperialists.
- We found ourselves together in the ranks of the glorious Democratic Army of Greece fighting, under the guidance of KKE headed by Nikos Zachariadis, against the monarchists-fascists and the Anglo-American imperialists.
- We found ourselves together, after the retreat of DSE, in the Soviet Union of the great Stalin and in other socialist countries carrying on the revolutionary struggle in new conditions and forms in the ranks of our heroic party, the revolutionary KKE liquidated by the barbarous Krushchevian interference in 1955-56.
- We found ourselves together, since the mid1950’s, in the front line of struggle against the counter-revolutionary Krushchevian revisionism – that destroyed socialism in the Soviet Union and other countries and ruined the international communist movement – adhering to the revolutionary line of Joseph Stalin and Nikos Zachariadis whom the revisionist clique of Brezhnev-Florakis murdered in Surgut, Siberia after 17 years of exile.
My dear comrade and beloved friend Antonis,
Despite the persecutions by the Krushchevian revisionists’, you remained always a courageous, untiring and unyielding revolutionary communist until the last moments of your life; a firm and recalcitrant opponent of the Greek and international Krushchevian revisionism, who set a shining example for the new generations.
You will live forever in the history of our country and the revolutionary struggles of our workers and peasants, of our people.
Vasilis Papasotiriou
President of the Movement for the Reorganization of KKE (1918-1955) and publisher of the newspaper “Anasintaxi”.