Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photos from our participation to recent festivals

The Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 participated in: -- The 13th Antirascist Festival in Thessaloniki -- Meeting of Democratic Army guerillas in Nausa. These are some photos from our presence in the festivals: ...
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Greek unions to hold new general strike June 29

Greece's two main unions GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers)  - ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation)announced a new general strike on June 29. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strikes and has released posters, flyers, etc. to support the struggle....
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stalin statue taken down in his Georgian hometown

From BBC Stalin statue taken away Authorities in Georgia have taken down a statue of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin that stood in the central square of Gori, his hometown. The six metre (20ft) bronze statue was removed unannounced from its plinth in the middle of the night. The statue will be moved to a museum in Gori dedicated to Stalin, said the head of the city council, Zviad Khmaladze. It will be replaced by a monument for the victims of Georgia's 2008 war with Russia. Gori was bombed by Russian forces during the brief conflict in August 2008. A journalist told Reuters news...
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Monday, June 21, 2010


CLASS UNITY OF ALL PROLETARIANS AGAINST ABJECTION BROAD ANTIFASCIST FRONT AGAINST RACIST ATTACKS The great deception “Foreigners take our jobs” – they “drop” the wages-they increase unemployment-they deepen the crisis According to the results of the 2001 census, the number of immigrants in Greece amounted to 762.191 people, the 391.764 of which were employed, in their majority hired (88,9% in the total of employed foreigners). The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) claims in a 2004 research on the issue: “According to our estimations, the actual number of...
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Crisis and the bankruptcy of Greek economy

In the last five years, a steep deterioration in the condition of the Greek economy has been observed – a destructive course that has eventually led to bankruptcy, contrary to the completely unsubstantiated claims of both the big bourgeois and the Khruschevite parties. Side by side with the objective economic laws, the implementation of the most extreme neoliberal financial policy by the reactionary government of Karamanlis intensified even further the already existing problems of the Greek economy, aggravating basic economic indicators. In 2009, the condition of the Greek economy became aggravated...
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Monday, June 14, 2010

The fatal 20th congress of the CPSU

In February 1956 – fifty years ago – the Communist party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) convened its first congress after the death of Stalin. This ill-famed 20th congress has since been deemed the symbol of the victory of the peaceful  counter-revolution in the USSR. To this very day, the international communist movement, the working class and the peoples in the former socialist countries are suffering from the disastrous consequences. This victory of revisionism in the fifties systematically prepared the ground for the unveiled and complete counter-revolution that took place in the Soviet...
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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Against the barbarity of the fascist state of Israel! Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO) The brutal aggression carried out by the Nazi-Zionist army against the so-called "freedom flotilla" deserves the merciless condemnation, rejection, and general denunciation. The State of Israel, which has carried out a systematic genocide against the Palestinians, with the complicit silence of the misnamed democracies, has subjected the people of Gaza to famine and has prevented any kind of humanitarian aid, food, medicine, material to rebuild houses destroyed by Israeli bombing, school supplies, etc. from reaching...
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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

EMEP: Not to be Indifferent Against the Attack of Israel

Public opinion of our country is now in a "puzzle" and anger with the attack, which was made to the aid ship for Palestine by Israel. According to the first news, 10 people from Turkey died. This shows the dimension of the banditry of Israel. Who does Israel, who conducted this lawless treachery against an humanely aid, pluck up this courage from? It is clear that Israel State is responsible for the deads. On the other hand, what kind of measures did Turkish Government take, although the attack was guessed? To tell the truth, it just passed over and observed the anticipated events passively....
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