Friday, July 18, 2008

Hayat* can not be silenced

TURKEY The broadcasting of Hayat TV was cut off by Turkish government. Hayat TV, which started its life last year with the slogan “Life’s all colours”, found itself unable to broadcast suddenly on Wednesday. Hayat TV did not receive any legal warning about the interruption. But, the letter to the company from which Hayat TV rent the frequency band was clearly threatening. Turksat general manager’s letter to Turkovizyon, from which Hayat TV rents its frequency band, states that the demand to cut Hayat TV’s broadcasting came from the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK): “In order that...
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Lift the sanctions on Freedom of Thought and Press! Oppose Hayat TV being silenced!

We were terrified and shocked to learn on 16th July that Hayat TV, a TV station found on 3rd December 2007 as a result of the support provided by hundreds of intellectuals, trade unionists and democracy and human right campaigners in Turkey and Europe, has been put off air as a result of a letter sent by the TURKSAT authorities to the enterprising company.  According to the information that we have received thus far, no material evidence or factual information has been provided by Turksat as to why Hayat TV should be put off air. Without a legal process taking place or, in other words, with...
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Friday, July 04, 2008

Communiqué from the Marxist-Leninists Parties and Organizations from Europe’s meeting

In June 2008, delegates from the Marxist-Leninists Organizations and Parties from Europe have met in Madrid in order to discuss some questions related to communist’s work in the trade union movement. Discussion has focused on the politic and economic context, which is characterized by a raise of the aggressive politics of the imperialism. With “neoliberalism” we do mean imperialism’s politic of nowadays, a politic that only serves to the oligarchy and are destined to guarantee the highest benefit for the monopoles, in detriment of the workers and their rights and in detriment of the peoples....
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Irish people said NO to the Lisbon’s treaty !

With great happiness we welcome the victory of the « No » in Ireland. This is a victory for the Irish people and for all the peoples from the UE who have massively opposed to a text that takes the essential content and objectives of the constitutional European treaty. We welcome the forces that have leaded the campaign to give to this « No » a progressive content and that have played a decisive role in this victory. Peasants, workers and the people have defeated the great coalition of political and social forces, the employers, the Medias, which have mobilized in favor of the « Yes ». They have...
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Solidarity with the paperless workers on strike for their regularization

Since the 15 of April 2008, hundreds of « paperless » immigrant workers are on strike in Paris region after the CGT and associations’ calling, to obtain a title of stay in a good and proper way. Since many years these workers are engaged in sectors like catering, building, cleaning… The great majority of them have salary leaves and pay to the different social security boxes and a big number of them pay taxes. Because they have no papers, they are real « modern slaves » in the hands of the employers who in many cases have engaged them with complete knowledge of their situation. After two...
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We condemn the “shameful” immigration guideline

The guideline adopted by the Parliament of the European Union, last 18th of June, is a clear demonstration of the imperialist and repressive nature of the EU, herald of neoliberal and anti people policy. This guideline which permits to jail for 6 to 18 months any “illegal” immigrant, that’s to say an undocumented immigrant, is in contradiction with all the international agreements about human rights ; it’s a measure of discrimination, a racist one, marked by xenophobia against the people, especially the people of Latin America, Africa and Asia. They show a total lack of any historical memory,...
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