Friday, December 24, 2010

The revisionists of “K”KE…

“the ideas of perestroika correspond to the requirements of the reorganization of socialism, and contribute significantly to the development of the modern... theory of socialism, socialism has never been more attractive” (A. Papariga, “Pravda” June 25, 1991) (p. 8-9). Gorbachev-Papariga: The “brave kids” of Nikita Khrushchev (Moscow, June 1991) Papariga-Kolozov-Trigazis went to Moscow in June 1991 to meet M. Gorbachev and hand him a statue of Hercules for "his herculean effort to build socialism in USSR"   “As a concept, perestroika rendered invaluable services to the...
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The New Year's reference of the leadership of All-Union Communist party (bolsheviks).

Dear comrades! 2010 marked by the important events both in Russia, and in the world becomes property of history. Ominous breath of crisis is forced writhes in spasms the capitalist system based on a money power. In full conformity with logic of capitalism when workers tighten belts, bosses of the capital make profit of crisis, trying to shift its weight on shoulders of the maintained. Also political approach of the capital to the won rights of workers simultaneously amplifies, the anticommunist hysteria, first of all in Europe is untied. However workers all answer it with strikes and other protest...
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Successfully held in Thessaloniki, the speech of the Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece (1918-55)

The Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece (1918-55) organized succesfully in Thessaloniki's Workers' Centre an event entitled "The timeliness of Marxist - Leninist concept of socialism and communism, and the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union 1953 – 1990”. Former DSE guerrillas as well as young people participated in the event.  The speaker was c. Tasos Mpallos, member of the Political Committee of the Movement. A discussion of the attendees with questions and interventions followed Mpallos's speech. After the speech and before the questions, c....
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Concerning the events in Ecuador (in Greek)

We recently released in electronic form a collection of press releases and articles concerning the recent events in Ecuador. The edition includes press releases of The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55, MPD, PCMLE, PCEML, Piataforma Communista, PCR Brazil, etc. Για τις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στον Ισημερινό ...
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Results of the presidential election in the Ivory Coast: Respect the popular will, No to reactionary civil war!

After ten years of a social-political crisis that has led to the pauperization of the popular masses, and five years of equivocation, the presidential election in the Ivory Coast has finally been held. According to official figures, participation has been heavy (83% in the first round and about 81% in the second). The results made public by the Independent Electoral Commission and confirmed by the UN delegation in the Ivory Coast gave 54.1% of the votes to Alassane Ouattara and 45.9% to Laurent Gbabgo. However, the Constitutional Council has unjustly declared the elections in 7 regions void and...
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Friday, December 10, 2010

Greek unions to hold new general strike December 15

Greece's two main unions GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers)  - ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation)announced a new general strike on December 15. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strike and has released posters, flyers, etc. to support the struggle....
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Justice kidnapped

The resolution adopted by the Third Penal Guarantees Court of Pichincha in the trial established against Marcelo Rivera, National President of FEUE, is a clear evidence of the subjection of justice to the will of the President of the Republic. Undoubtedly, Correa has kidnapped the judicial function It is not difficult to see that. Saturday to Saturday Rafael Correa ordered either to the public prosecutor, judges or governors take steps to prosecute or imprison those who he believes are a danger to his government. During the days of struggle that college students took out in defense of free...
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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Concerning the events in Ecuador

PRESS RELEASE CONCERNING THE EVENTS IN ECUADOR Athens, October 3, 2010 The recent developments in Ecuador, with the popular protests against the neoliberal and unconstitutional arbitrary decisions of President Correa, are of particular interest. We are sending this newsletter in order to respond to a disinformation campaign that takes place in relation to these developments, and the lack of full information accompanying it. The majority of the media is talking of a coup against the “leftist” Rafael Correa, something that finds in agreement the bourgeois and “socialists” around the world,...
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

A milestone in Ecuadorian politics

Editorial of En March, 5th October, 2010 –organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE) After the crisis of Sept. 30 Ecuador is not the same. These events leave a deep impression and have an impact, inevitably, in the future government’s political behavior, the Ecuadorian people’s movement, the right-wing opposition and more social and political actors in the country.Principio del formulario Political polarization is one of the sequels, the most enthusiastic supporters of Correa are affirmed and close ranks around their leader, on the one hand, while the credibility of the...
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The PCMLE Regarding the Events of September 30

Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador Central Committee The PCMLE Regarding the Events of September 30 For some months Ecuador has been the scene of the intensification and broadening of the social struggles that various sectors of the working people, trade unionists, indigenous people, peasants, teachers, student youths, public servants, small business people and pensioners have been developing, to oppose the policies of the government of Rafael Correa that have actually harmed the interests of the country, of the peoples and their organizations, that reinforce and support...
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Monday, October 04, 2010

Correa without his mask

After being elected president of Ecuador in 2009, by promising to make dramatic changes in his country, in what he called a "citizen revolution", Rafael Correa left side of his program of change and began to adopt a neoliberal policy of tightening the salaries of civil servants, budget cuts in social programs, strong repression of the popular movement and total subservience to the U.S. government. The police riot that occurred on September 29 was not therefore an isolated incident. For months the popular movement held strikes and demonstrations demanding better living conditions and dialogue...
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Friday, October 01, 2010

Statement of the New Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party on the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka

Press Release 4th September 2010 The future will be bleaker than the present for all working people and oppressed nationalities. The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution awaiting passage through Parliament seems a harbinger of that. Every aspect of the amendment seems designed to send to the grave the few freedoms and democratic rights that the people have enjoyed so far. At the same time, it paves the way for implementing a more fascistic dictatorship than what we have today. The indifference of the people who do not seem to realise the inherent dangers of the amendment will exact heavy...
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PCMLE: Something stinks ...

Something stinks ... With a huge military deployment, only applicable for large battles, the Colombian army, monitored and directed from the Pentagon, bombed the rebel camp of the FARC-EP in which the commander Jorge Briceno, Mono Jojoy was, causing his death Like others of his comrades. The joy of Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos is enormous cause of this "success" and criminal operation. Days before this event, the armed forces of that country dealt a further blow to the insurgent group, for that Santos gave thans by the cooperation of the Army of Ecuador. In these same days the U.S....
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Friday, September 24, 2010

All together, to refuse to pay for the crisis

For international solidarity General strike in Spain, demonstrations in Italy, Greece, France and international demonstration of trade unions in Brussels. The 29th of September is an important day of mobilization for the working class and the working people to refuse to pay for the crisis, to say "no" to the plans of austerity that neoliberal and social-liberal governments, the European Commission and the IMF want to impose on us. They have begun with Greece and the workers and the people of this country have been the first to say “no”, with the support of the workers and people of the other...
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Mobilisations and strikes in Greece September 29

GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers) and ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation) call for demonstration. In Athens the mobilisation is scheduled on 18:00 at Klathmonos Square. The workers on the Telecommunications (OME-OTE), the hospital doctors (OEGNE) and the workers on books-papers of Attica have declared a 24hour strike at the same day. The Movement for the REORGANISATION of KKE 1918-55 (member of ICMLPO) supports the strikes and calls for solidarity....
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ADEDY to hold strike October 7

ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation)announced a new general strike on October 7 against the Memorandum. At the same time, it supports the mobilitasion on September 29, but hasn’t declared a strike on that day. It’s important to note that GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers) won’t declare a strike at the same day. The Movement for the Reorganisation of the KKE 1918-55 supports the strike....
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1st European General Strike / Day of action in whole Europe

The Movement for the REORGANISATION of KKE 1918-55 (member of ICMLPO) supports and participates in the Day of action all over Europe in September 29, which is organised by trade unions all over Europe. We are actively participating. Tenths of trade unions all over Europe, for example the Spanish UGT, CCOO, etc., have declared strike on that day. In Greece, the GSEE (the General Confederation of Greek Workers) and the ADEDY (the Civil Servants' Confederation) didn’t declare a strike but only a demonstration. The mobilisation’s central slogan “NO TO AUSTERITY”. In Athens the mobilisation is...
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Right and “Left” Theories for Greece getting out of the crisis

We are preparing an article in English on the various theories for Greece getting out of crisis and our position on the matter. The article can be summarised to: - Unilateral suspension of payments – Greece out of Euro-EMU-European Union - Against the local big capital’s current strategic choice of Greece STAYING within EMU-Euro-EU, with the open support of the big bourgeois parties (PASOK-ND-LAOS), as well as the silent support of socialdemocratic parties (“K”KE-SYN) and organizations of the Extraparliamentary Left (KOE-NAR-ANTARSYA-KKE m-l -ML-KKE, etc.) The article will be ready for the...
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Final Statement of the 22nd International Encampment of the Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist Youth

Selcuk, Turkey, August 2010 We held an international meeting of youths from August 3 to 12 in Selcuk, Izmir, bringing together 3,000 young people from 20 different countries. During this 22nd international meeting we discussed the problems of youth, the peoples and all of humanity, such as the environment and the world. We shared our dreams and ideals and we debated our problems and their solutions. In the name of the participants of the camp, we thank and we greet our brothers and sisters in Turkey who organized this camp, the representatives of the working class, trade unions, doctors, nurses,...
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Declaration of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional of the ICMLPO

It is not true that the present crisis of capitalism-imperialism is passing and in definitive recovery, as the spokespersons of imperialism proclaim. On the contrary, it is broadening and deepening in all the economies of the countries of the planet. This is strongly striking the productive, financial and commercial sectors. But mainly, it is attacking the lives of the workers in all continents, the dependent peoples and countries. Its most dramatic effects are seen in the tens of millions of workers dismissed, in the decline in wages and cuts in social services. This crisis that broke out within...
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Photos from our action outside the French Embassy in Athens

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Media photos from today’s action outside the French Embassy in Athens

Today, Tuesday 10 August, the MOVEMENT for the REORGANISATION of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 demostrated outside the French Embassy in Athens against the Sarkozy policy of discrimination, fascization and French government’s actions against the Roma. During the action a leaflet in Greek was distributed together with  a translated communique of the Worker’s Communist Party of France (PCOF). Here are some photos (faces hidden) taken by the Greek mass media: ...
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Friday, August 06, 2010


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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The monstrosity of the abolition of the last social security rights “passed”

Article from newspaper “Anasintaxi” issue 325-326, 1-31 July 2010, pp. 1-2 The working class, against workers’ patrons of every kind, has to answer decisively: without a united, massive, militant trade union movement in workplaces, without first-degree trade unions in firms, without the common struggle of the workers, the unemployed, and the immigrant workers, the absolute abjection cannot be confronted. On 8th July whatever was left from the so-called “social security” was wiped out. It is a joke, to say the least, to speak of whether the bill was exactly in accordance to the “memorandum” and...
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Final Declaration of the XIV International Seminar on Problems of the Revolution in Latin America

Despite the desperate efforts of the international bourgeoisie to put an end to the crisis of the capitalist system and in spite of "optimistic" analysis of the bourgeois economists that from months ago pointed the end of it and the beginning of an economic recovery, today we witness a new moment of further deepening of the crisis of the system, initiated at the end of 2008 in the United States which soon caught the largest economies on the planet and whose effects were felt worldwide. The course of development of this phenomenon has created the impression that this had its origin in the financial...
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

‘Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010’

Trading Indian People’s Life for Multinationals’ Profit --Statement by Janpaksh Once again showing its loyalty to the multinationals and imperialist masters the Congress led UPA government is all set to bring the ’Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010’ in the coming monsoon session of the parliament. The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on May 7, 2010 which also happened to be the last working day of the Budget session. But due to vociferous opposition it was referred to the parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology for recommendation....
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