Monday, January 31, 2011

Four years of “citizens' revolution.”

These days Rafael Correa fulfilled four years of presidential year, long enough to show how far the country has complied with the offer to rebuild the Ecuador. In the absence of constitutional reform that allowed him to opt for re-election, Correa would have reached the end of his term. Structurally, the country has not suffered any change, the policy implemented by the correismo not only has not affected the substance of the existing capitalist system, but its political institutions and its economic program is geared to sustaining and strengthening the existing system. For four years, Ecuador...
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

ICMLPO: To the Tunisian workers, to the Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia (PCOT)

The people and the youth of Tunisia have, with their rebellion that at this moment has lasted for several weeks, shaken the dictatorship of Ben Ali. The flight of the dictator is a first victory of the Tunisian people. The rebellion and the victory of the workers and the youth constitute an important example, a rich experience for the peoples of the world. Once again it is proven that regimens based on the repressive police apparatus, apparently indestructible, can not keep standing, confronted with the force and firm will of resistance of the people and its youth. The defeat of Ben Alí, that...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some are complicit with Ben Ali, and some not..

Photo: Humanite, 17/11/2011 Some French politicians are complicit with the regime of ousted Tunisian president Ben Ali. And some are not. Former PCF national secretary Marie-George Buffet was asked last week by l’Humanite: How do you react to the arrest yesterday morning of Hamma Hammami, of  the Communist Workers Party of Tunisia? Marie-George Buffet. Hamma Hammami was released from the underground a few weeks ago. I just had to phone one of his relatives. The arrest was made with great violence to a child. Ben Ali made statements on job creation, the resignation of the Minister...
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tunisia: The Founding Statement of the 14th of January Front

Affirming our engagement in the revolution of our people which fought for its right to freedom and national dignity and made great sacrifices, including dozens of martyrs and thousands of wounded and prisoners, and in order to complete the victory against interior and external enemies and to oppose any attempts to crush the fruits of these sacrifices, we constituted "the 14th of January Front" as a political framework which will apply itself to the advancement of the revolution of our people towards the achievement of its objectives and to oppose the forces of counter-revolution.  The Front...
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments – Greece out of Euro-EMU-European Union

Against the current strategic choice of the local big capital to keep the country inside Euro-EMU-EU Today, in 2010, the working class and the popular working masses are undoubtedly confronted with a negative and extremely painful financial-political condition for their class interests, as a result of the global financial crisis and the bankruptcy of the Greek economy, which have led to an intensification of the country's dependence from the EU and the IMF, through the imposition of the Memorandum and the demolition of workers’ and people’s rights. The imposition of the Memorandum has...
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The 9 points of the Workers Communist Party of Tunisia

1. The success achieved so far is only half of the way and the other half is achieving the wanted democratic change and implementing this on the ground. 2. The democratic change cannot spring from the same party, figures, institutions, apparatus and the legislature that maintained the dictatorship and deprived the people of basic rights for more than half a century, 23 years of which was under Ben Ali. 3. The interim president is one of Ben Ali's clique and a president of an appointed body which does not represent the people in any aspect whatsover, and plan to hold presidential elections...
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tunisia releases opposition Communist party leader

Tunisian authorities Friday released opposition figure Hamma Hammami, the leader of the banned Tunisian Workers' Communist Party, three days after arresting him, the party said. "We've just heard that he's been released. He's at home," party official Adel Thabet told reporters in Paris, after family members had expressed fears for the 59-year-old leftist's life in government custody. Hammami has been working underground to escape arrest since February last year, but in recent weeks has spoken to foreign media to support the protests against President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's authoritarian regime....
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Solidarity with the Tunisian people and the Communist Workers' Party of Tunisia (PCOT) / Immediate release of our comrades

Athens, January 12, 2011 We stand by the side of the Tunisian and Algerian peoples who are once more struggling with their children’s blood against dependence and neocolonial exploitation imposed by the imperialists. In Tunisia, since 17th December Ben Ali’s “lifelong” regime-puppet of French imperialists has already murdered in cold blood by positioning soldiers on house roofs more than 50 protesters and wounded over a thousand, according to the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (IFHRL). The people and first and foremost the youth cannot stand living in hunger, misery, unemployment,...
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Hamma Hammami arrested in Tunisia

Here is Amnesty's statement:     Hamma Hammami, spokesperson for the banned Tunisian Workers' Communist party (Parti Communiste des Ouvriers Tunisiens, PCOT) was arrested at his home in Tunis on 12 January. Around 20 members of the presidential security unit are reported to have detained him together with his colleague, Mohamed Mzem, a lawyer, and Mounia Obaid, a friend who was later released. Hamma Hammami's family believe he was arrested for speaking to journalists about the protests in the country....
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments – Greece out of Euro-EMU-European Union

Against the big local capital’s current strategic choice of KEEPING Greece inside EMU-Euro-EU, with the open support of the big bourgeois parties (PASOK-ND-LAOS), as well as the silent support of socialdemocratic parties (“K”KE-SYN) and organizations of the Extraparliamentary Left (KOE-NAR-ANTARSYA-KKE m-l -ML-KKE, etc.) Today, in 2010, the working class and the whole Greek people as well as the country are undoubtedly confronted with a novel negative and extremely painful financial-political condition for their class interests, as well as the country’s interests. A novel condition, the existence...
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