Thursday, March 24, 2011


The reactionary coalition of imperialist forces that is attacking Libya militarily, under the pretext of defending the civilian population and hiding behind a resolution of the UN Security Council, is carrying out one more aggression against the peoples, now of Libya, yesterday of the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan, who were brutally attacked under the same false pretext. The coalition of France, Great Britain and the U.S., with the active complicity of the reactionary governments of Italy, Spain, Denmark… and the passive complicity of Russia and China, since both countries by NOT exercising...
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Monday, March 21, 2011

From failure to failure

Advertising management, we have said on other occasions, is one of the strengths of government action. Millions of dollars are spent on TV and radio spots, advertising in newspapers, on billboards, posters, etc. to shape the opinions of Ecuadorians in terms of what the government want people to think. Among political purposes that this offensive is looking to show the alleged efficiency and manageability of "citizens' revolution ", but the facts show a different reality to which the Alvarado brother´s companies shown us in television. This government has failed, and loudly in several areas. The...
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Arab masses have had enough!

By Jan R. Steinholt, Revolusjon Friday 28 January 2011 The popular revolts for bread, democracy and national self-determination create despair among the imperialists and their Arab puppets. The revolt in Tunisia was the spark that started a fire that is now spreading across North Africa and eastward into the core Arab countries. The popular masses and the youth in the more or less despotic Arab regimes have overcome their fear of state violence, and they will not settle for empty words and promises. Now the battle is centered on the very pivot of the U.S. strategy for control of the Middle...
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To unmask revisionism is a necessary task

Posted on February 25, 2011 by Umberto Alarcon Esperanza Guevara In Venezuela as in some other countries of Latin America we are experiencing a bourgeois-democratic process, with patriotic, nationalist governments that say they are “anti-imperialist,” which is only expressed in being anti-Yankee. We communists know that these bourgeois-democratic processes do not go beyond reforms within the framework of capitalism. But we also understand that historically these processes allow us to advance up to a certain point, to prepare ourselves, accumulate and organize the forces...
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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Victory to the Struggle of Migrant Workers Hunger Strikers

Victory to the Struggle of Migrant Workers Hunger Strikers ...
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Victory to the struggle of migrant workers hunger strikers!

On Sunday, January 23 250 immigrants living and working for years in the country, arrived in Athens at the Law School, and another 50 in Thessaloniki Labor Center, to begin a hunger strike demanding unconditional legalization and equal political and social rights with the Greek citizens. After the fascist terroristic operation of the mechanisms of state repression, violating the asylum of the Law School, the hunger strikers in Athens continue their just struggle in the building of Hypatia. The hunger strikers are workers who live and work in Greece, deprived of any political, social or labor...
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Monday, March 07, 2011

Tunisia: Creation of the Committee for the National Congress to Safeguard the Revolution

From En Marcha Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador #1524, February 25 to March 3, 2011 Friday, February 11, all forces of the opposition to the Ghannouchi government met to form a Committee for the National Congress to Safeguard the Revolution (CNSR). This is a new and important step for the development of the Tunisian revolution. These forces include 10 left-wing, democratic and nationalist parties that were already reunited in the “January 14 Front”, and other parties such as the Islamic Ennadha and the Congress for the Republic, and also – which...
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Thursday, March 03, 2011

The international situation and the tasks of the international communist movement

Three years after the appearance of the first signs of the present economic crisis, the world continues to suffer its expressions and effects. The disruption in the economy of the imperialist powers, of the developed capitalist states, as well as of the dependent countries is undeniable. Quite a few economists and publicists at the service of capital, at the first relative signs of recovery in one or another sector of the economy of the most developed capitalist countries, mainly the United States of America, proclaimed the end of the crisis and the beginning of the cycle of general recovery....
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Resolution in support of the PCMLE and the revolutionary forces in Ecuador

For years the working class, peasants, youth and indigenous peoples of Ecuador have been involved in the fight against imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism, for social progress and for their national emancipation. It is this fight, they have always been able to count on the militant commitment of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador, of the MPD and of all the social and trade union forces that form the Popular Front. These forces that are fighting for revolutionary change, against imperialism, for democracy, the revolution and socialism, have been at the forefront of the great...
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